[Nfbc-info] January Presidents Notebook

Joy Stigile joystigile at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 23:50:10 UTC 2017


Dear fellow Federationists of California, 

Happy New Year!

I look forward to Stepping Into The Future with the great work we are
undertaking together in 2017. 

I am pleased to announce that the National Federation of the Blind of
California moved into a new office on January 3, 2017.

We occupy an office at:  Twin Vision Books

Division of the American Action Fund

18440 Oxnard Street

Tarzana, CA 91356


Let's continue to promote equality by raising expectations of blind people
and breaking down misconceptions.


Ever Lee Hairston, President

National Federation of the Blind of California

323 654.2975

 <mailto:ever.hairston at gmail.com> ever.hairston at gmail.com


The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends
who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation’s blind.  Every day we
work together to help blind people live the life they want.



The Escondido Chapter celebrated the holiday season by hosting a holiday
potluck lunch at the Casa Building recreation room on December 17.  The
chapter members and their guests sang Christmas carols and did much
socializing with each other.

The Escondido Chapter will be having a fundraising event at the Applebee’s
Restaurant in Escondido on January 18, 2017.  Please call Yvette Lee for
more details at (619) 523-4733.


The next meeting of the Escondido Chapter will be held on January 21, 2017.


Yvette Lee, President Escondido Chapter


The San Francisco Chapter enjoyed a festive holiday potluck dinner on
December 13, at the San Francisco Lighthouse in downtown San Francisco. One
of the chapter members, Christina Daniels, compiled a list of music that was
multi-cultural and multi-ethnic to celebrate all of the holidays for the
season.  Many of the chapter members and their families sang along with the
music and had a wonderful time.


The next meeting of the San Francisco Chapter will be held on January 10,

Tim Elder, President San Francisco Chapter


The Riverside/San Bernardino Chapter held their holiday party on December 17
at the Applebee’s Restaurant in Riverside.  They had a large turnout with
chapter members and their families attending.  They exchanged gifts with a
White Elephant gift exchange and President Carmen Weatherly entertained the
group with her many jokes during the party.

The Riverside/San Bernardino Chapter will be at the Riverside City College
on January 18, 2017 at a booth to pass out literature about the National
Federation of the Blind.


The next meeting of the Riverside/San Bernardino Chapter will be held on
January 21, 2017.


Carmen Weatherly, President Riverside/San Bernardino Chapter


The Stockton Chapter enjoyed a lunch at the Cancun Mexican restaurant on
December 10.  All of the chapter members had a wonderful time especially
when their President said he was picking up the check!  They socialized with
each other and made some great memories to reflect on during the upcoming


The next meeting of the Stockton Chapter will be held on January 14, 2017.


Ken Volente, President Stockton Chapter


The River City Chapter celebrated its holiday party on Tuesday, December
20th at the Elephant Bar on Arden Way in Sacramento.  Members, family and
friends all joined the celebration.  There was great fellowship, good food
and everyone shared their holiday plans.  The River City chapter adopted a
family which has a blind daughter this year by buying gifts for them instead
of each other.  It was a great evening!


I would also like to ask for prayers as one of the River City Chapter
members, Austin Benevides was in a serious car accident during the afternoon
of December 31.  Please keep Austin in your thoughts and prayers.


The next meeting of the River City Chapter will be held on Saturday January
14, 2017.


Tiffany Manosh, President River City Chapter


The Canes and Tails Chapter held its holiday party on Saturday, December 17
at the Black Bear Diner in Davis. They enjoyed delicious food, good
fellowship and a wild White Elephant gift exchange.  A great time was had by


The next meeting of the Canes and Tails Chapter will be held on January 11,


Angela Fowler, President Canes and Tails Chapter


On December10 2016, the Tri-Valley Chapter celebrated the holiday with a
festive meeting and delicious cookie exchange.  Pleasanton, Dublin, and
Livermore members gathered at the Valley Memorial Hospital Café One room at
the new Stanford campus extension located at 1111 E Stanley Boulevard,


The next meeting of the Tri-Valley Chapter will be held on January 14, 2017.


Karl Martin, President Tri-Valley Chapter


The Shasta Cascade Chapter participated in the Redding, California “Lighted
Christmas Parade” on December 3.  It was held in downtown Redding with the
Northern California Bell Academy student and her parents walking and holding
the Shasta Cascade chapter banner.  The chapter members enjoyed the parade
with everyone wearing holiday lights while walking in the parade.  On
December 10, they held a short chapter meeting at the home of their past
President Karen Steel and her husband Dick and they enjoyed a holiday
potluck dinner afterward.  With the chapter members and their families it
was a huge turnout!


The next meeting of the Shasta Cascade Chapter will be held on January 14,


Debby Worstman, President Shasta Cascade Chapter


In early December the San Diego Chapter organized a nature hike at the
Tijuana estuary by one of their chapter members, a retired wildlife
biologist.  Chapter members and friends came together to celebrate the
holidays at the Ground Swell Brewery Company in San Diego.  This location is
very laid back and family oriented. The owners allow groups to bring in
their own food so they enjoyed a potluck lunch.


The next meeting of the San Diego Chapter will be held on January 14, 2017.


Lisa Irving, President San Diego Chapter


The Inland Empire Chapter started a chapter Scholarship Fund. They were able
to award two chapter members with Laptops from the fund.


The Inland Empire Chapter held their Holiday Party at the Marie Calendar’s
restaurant on Saturday December 10, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.   The members had a
great time playing the White Elephant Gift Exchange.

Some officers in the chapter donated toys to the “Toys for Tots” Charity.


The next meeting of the Inland Empire Chapter will be held on January 6,


Cheryl Thurston, President Inland Empire Chapter


The San Fernando Valley Chapter held its Annual Holiday Party this year at
Rosie's BBQ and Grille Restaurant.  Chapter members and their families
enjoyed a great meal and lots of sharing of general topics through
discussions of daily activities as a blind person.  The highlight of the
evening was their Annual Adopt-a-child event which the chapter started seven
years ago.   This event is where they contact local agencies to find
families who have blind children and are in need of assistance.  They chose
a child and shower them with presents depending on their wish list.  This
year they choose a nine year old girl by the name of Jocelyn.

The neat thing was that Jocelyn was told by her mother that they were going
to a dinner where Mom was going to be the star of the evening, and when they
arrived Jocelyn found out that she was the star and not her mother.

Jocelyn had a great evening sitting with other blind people and not with her
family for a change, and left with lots of clothes and great gifts.  Jocelyn
is a very outgoing person and will go a long way in life knowing that the
National Federation of the Blind exists.


The next meeting of the San Fernando Valley Chapter will be held on January
14, 2017.


 Robert Stigile, President San Fernando Valley chapter

Second Vice-President National Federation of the Blind of California


Beginning the holiday season the Pathfinders Chapter volunteered their time
at the Jackson Limousine Company annual Thanksgiving giveaway. The chapter
packed food boxes to be given out to families in the community.  It was a
great experience. This will be an annual event.


On December 10, the chapter held their first annual Holiday Scholarship
banquet. The chapter held fundraisers throughout the year in order to give
out three scholarships to blind college students in the amount of $500 each.


The next meeting of the Pathfinder’s chapter will be held on January 19,


Rochelle Houston, President Pathfinder Chapter Los Angeles

 Treasurer National Federation of the Blind of California


If your chapter has an upcoming event in February please send me an email by
January 25, 2017 with the details.  My email address is:

 <mailto:joystigile at gmail.com> joystigile at gmail.com

Thank you, Joy Stigile



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