[Nfbc-info] Call for Resolutions

Bryan Bashin bashin at calweb.com
Mon Sep 18 14:49:13 UTC 2017

NFBC Members,


In early November the NFB of California will convene for its annual meeting.
A central part of that meeting is the discussion and passing of resolutions
which become actual policy of the NFBC.  Resolutions can have adeep impact
on governments, corporations or organizations we want to encourage or, well,


The Resolutions Committee is now seeking draft resolutions for the 2017
convention.  Your resolution needn't be letter perfect; we'll likely go
through a draft process before it gets to the committee meeting during
convention.  But the draft resolution does have to reach the committee no
later than October 15, 2017.  


We look forward to seeing how NFBC members can be creative, political,
legalistic and self-possessed as the resolutions are drafted.


Please email me if you have questions or have a draft to  submit.  Again,
the Deadline is October 15th.


Many thanks,


Bryan Bashin

bashin at calweb.com


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