[Nfbc-info] Pre-registration and Scholarship Available for NFBCA Convention

tina.thomas90044 at gmail.com tina.thomas90044 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 21:59:44 UTC 2018

Hey Matt- I was  able to open the scholarship link but not the link for general registration. 

-----Original Message-----
From: NFBC-Info <nfbc-info-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Matthew Gip via NFBC-Info
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 12:58 PM
To: nfbc-info at nfbnet.org
Cc: Matthew Gip <matthewhgip at gmail.com>
Subject: [Nfbc-info] Pre-registration and Scholarship Available for NFBCA Convention

Dear Fellow Federationists, 

The 2018 California state convention is rapidly approaching in just over two months on October 25 to the 28, at the Los Angeles Marriott Hotel, located at 5855 W. Century Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045. Pre-registration is now open and the cost will be $150. The registration fee will include Thursday Hospitality Night, access to the Vendor Exhibit Hall, Friday Federation Feud Game, Karaoke and Dance with appetizers, two full breakfasts with speakers on Friday and Saturday, and the Banquet and Auction on Saturday night. Continental breakfast will be on Sunday and in order to attend all of these events, registration is required. 
Here is the link to pre-register for the 2018 state convention: http://ulwxastpyh.formstack.com/forms/2018 nfbc_state_convention_preregistration_form

The National Federation of the Blind of California annually awards scholarships to qualified blind students pursuing undergraduate or graduate studies in order to achieve an academic degree. This year, the NFBCA will award two scholarships worth up to a total of $5,000. As well as the scholarship, other expenses directly related to the convention will be covered such as: airfare, Amtrak, finalist’s portion of the hotel room for three nights, convention registration, banquet, breakfast, and Friday night activities. The deadline to apply for the 2018 NFBCA State Scholarship is September 15, 2018. 
Please contact scholarship chair, Jana Littrell, for questions at janadlittrell at gmail.com. 
Here is the link to apply for the scholarship: http://ulwxastpyh.formstack.com/forms/nfbc_scholarship_form

We hope we can have as many people at convention as possible this year with plenty of fresh newcomers, as it looks to be an exciting and memorable event with our Federation Family and good luck to those who will apply for the state scholarship! 

Matthew Gip
President | California Association of Blind Students A proud division of the National Federation of the Blind of California Co-chair | National Association of Blind Students Outreach Committee
Phone: (559) 375-2068
Email: matthewhgip at gmail.com
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