[Nfbc-info] Listen to the Opening Ceremony of the Winter Olympics with AIRA

Joy Stigile joystigile at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 05:22:58 UTC 2018

Dear SFV Chapter Members and NFBC membership,

Please find below a toll free number to call in to this Friday at 5 p.m.
pacific time to get a full description of the Opening Ceremony of the Winter
Olympics just as it is happening!  The program will be on Channel 4 (NBC) at
the same time.  Both programs are 3 hours in lenth. 

Warmly, Joy


Begin forwarded message:

From: Aira Team <info at aira.io <mailto:info at aira.io> >
Date: February 7, 2018 at 2:41:07 


We had so much fun with our Aira Super Bowl Experience, didn't you?

For those of you who missed it, and for those of you who are Olympics

We are providing a free conference call to hear Aira Agent Ashley describe
the Opening Ceremony!

We will be catching the replay at 8pm EST / 5pm PST on NBC and cheer Team
USA on to victory!

We are keeping it simple- just one phone number to dial: 

(877) 568-4108, Enter Meeting ID: 536-565-714All Explorers, their friends,
and family are welcome to dial in.


Look forward to seeing you there!


 The AIRA Team



Aira Tech Corp 
4225 Executive Square 
La Jolla , CA 92037 
United States  

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