[NFBC-Info] Accessible Event Platform

Cricket X. Bidleman cricketbidleman at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 15:58:15 UTC 2020

Hi folks,

I was talking to a friend and former boss last night; she is now a
full-time event planner. She is trying to persuade her boss to
consider virtual event platforms not for their external appearances,
but for their accessibility first. Other than Zoom, do you have any
accessible platform recommendations? Ideally, a platform should be
interactive, like Zoom with the reactions and chat. Thanks.


Cricket X. Bidleman (she/her/hers)
Stanford University | Class of 2021
BA Candidate | Communications
Accessibility Consultant | Stanford University Computer Science
Director of Communications | Associated Students of Stanford University (ASSU)
President | California Association of Blind Students (CABS)

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