[NFBC-Info] Hospitality Suite Volunteer Invitation and Info.

Alison adepner1425 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 4 03:34:16 UTC 2021


Calling NFBCA Social Butterflies


The NFB of California 2021 Convention will once again host a virtual
hospitality suite. The suite will be provided via Zoom and will be open
during specified time periods each day of the convention. I will once again
serve as the scheduling coordinator for managing the Zoom room. I am
organizing teams to act as hosts during each Hospitality Zoom session. Each
host team will consist of 2 members including 1 Zoom Room Host and 1
Greeter. Both hosts and greeters must be knowledgeable about the convention
agenda and be aware of the various programs and services provided by NFB as
well as the various local divisions, chapters and projects. Helping with the
Hospitality Suite can be a lot of fun. It give hosts, greeters, and
attendees  a chance to meet new people and network. If you think you would
enjoy this opportunity, please read the specific descriptions of the
qualifications and duties for host and Greeters below. 


Zoom Room Hosts

In addition to the duties listed for greeters, hosts will be expected to be
able to perform the following tasks during the Zoom sessions.

.         admit attendees to the Hospitality Suite Meeting

.         Mute and unmute participants as appropriate.

.         Remove participants from the meeting when necessary.

.         Open break out rooms.

.         Assign attendees to break out rooms.

.         All hosts must be able to access Zoom via a computer.



The role of the greeter is to make sure all attendees feel welcome and
comfortable. Both hosts and greeters must be knowledgeable about the
convention agenda and be aware of the various programs and services provided
by NFB as well as the various local divisions, chapters and projects.
Greeters will be expected to do the following.

.         Welcome each attendee to the Hospitality Suite upon admittance to
the Zoom Room.

.          Clearly and concisely answer attendee questions regarding the
convention or the NFB  California Affiliate Divisions or chapters. 

.         Direct attendees to other NFB leaders to answer questions if the
greeter is unable to provide requested information.

.         Become acquainted with attendees' interests and connect them with
other appropriate  resources and information.

.         Include each attendee in conversation and discussions.


Each team will be assigned a 2- hour time slot during which they will tend
the zoom Room. Last year's Hospitality Suite was a great success, and I'm
looking forward to the opportunity to meet many new friends as well as
reconnect with many old ones. If you are interested in serving as a
Hospitality Suite Zoom Room Host or Greeter, please contact me at
adepner1425 at gmail.com. Please include the following information in your

.          Your first and last name.

.          Your phone number.

.    Your e-mail address.

.          The role you wish to perform: Greeter or Host.

.          Day and time you would like to work.


Here is  the full schedule for the Hospitality Suite. I have indicated the
need for a greeter, host or both next to each time slot. A few time slots
have already been filled, but there is plenty of available times when you
can put your social butterfly and/or Zoom skills to great use. 

Thursday, October 21 5:00 PM-8:00 PM- 

Need Greeter

Friday October 22, 2021

8:00 AM-10:00 - (This time slot already has both a host and a Greeter.)

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Need Greeter

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM- Need Host and Greeter

Saturday, October 23, 2021

8:00 AM-10:00 AM (This time slot already has both a Host and a Greeter.)

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Need Greeter

12:00 PM-2:00 PM Need Host

Sunday, October 24, 2021: 8:00 AM-2:00 PM: 8:00 AM-9:00 AM

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM - Need Host and Greeter


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or e-mail me.







Allison Depner 

NFBCA, SD Chapter President

(619) 952-2352

Adepner1425 at gmail.com

You Can Live the Life You Want!!

Blindness is Not What Holds You Back!!


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