[NFBC-Info] Pathfinder chapter of Los Angeles 10th annual Welcoming Reception

tina.thomas90044 at gmail.com tina.thomas90044 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 22:28:59 UTC 2021

Hello everyone: 

The Pathfinder Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of California
is pleased to announce our 10th annual membership reception and resource

There will be:

Vendors, Companies providing information and resources.  

Members will be giving Demonstrations of devices to help you become more
independent.  And some surprises thrown in the mix. So come join us for
fun, fellowship and empowerment. 


When: Thursday February 18 from 9:30AM until 12:30PM. 

Where: Zoom platform. 

Looking forward to networking with then. 

Tina Thomas-Pathfinder Chapter-Outreach-Chairperson 


tina thomas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: Pathfinder Annual Reception

Time: Feb 18, 2021 09:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 857 5483 5546

Passcode: 993453

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        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

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        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 857 5483 5546

Passcode: 993453

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kRVClSPYs






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