[NFBC-Info] Join the San Jose chapter on ZOOM: Blindness and Self Image

blackbyrdfly at gmail.com blackbyrdfly at gmail.com
Fri Apr 14 21:27:50 UTC 2023

Hello NFB of California! Please join the San Jose/Silicon Valley chapter this Saturday, 4/15, at 3pm for a group discussion on Blindness and Self Image!

As a person who happens to be blind or one who may be losing ones eye sight, do you worry
about what others think of you because of your visual accuity?  Do these fears influence what
you do or what you think you can do? If the answer to these questions is "yes", or "maybe",
then you are not alone.  Come join us tomorrow, Saturday April 15, 2023 at 3:00PM Pacific via
zoom to share your fears, the solutions that have worked for you and to learn how some of our
members have dealt with this same problem over the years.
There is the issue of how others perceive us as people who happen to be blind and there is
the issue of how we perceive ourselves.  Both are complex, intertwined and very personal.
The Zoom information is below.

Looking forward to seeing all of you via Zoom tomorrow, Saturday April 15, 2023 at 3:00PM


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