[NFBC-Info] INVITATION NEW TIME and Guest Speaker: Poder y Movimiento Latino 9/2/23 at 10:00 a.m.

Veronica Martinez veronica38martinez at gmail.com
Sat Aug 26 16:28:14 UTC 2023

All, Poder y Movimiento would like to invite you to our next meeting next
Saturday, 9/2 at 10:00 a.m. We will very likely be having a guest speaker,
Lisa Navarro, Senior Advocate with Disability Rights California. Here is the
link to our August 2023 meeting minutes
6_fU/edit?usp=sharing>  and here is a link to the NFB Presidential Release
<https://nfb.org/presidential-release-529-august-2023>  for August, 2023 and
below is an agenda for the meeting and the Zoom link. We look forward to you
joining us at our next Chapter meeting! 




1. Welcome and Introductions - Carmen, President 

2. Icebreaker - Eduardo Zamudio 

3. New attendees introduction - self introductions 

4. Roll Call - Veronica/Secretary 

5. NFB Pledge - Veronica/Secretary 

6. August minute review - Marissa Vallejo 

7. Assistive Technology News - Carmen, President 

8. General Information - birthdays, announcements etc. 



This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 793 529 5611 Passcode: 8534 --- One tap mobile
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G5NAk3itHcBeyWOQ$> https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kemBKkw2lB



6_fU/edit?usp=drive_web>  Poder y Movimiento 8/5/23




Carmen Varela, Ed.D. 



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