[NFBC-Info] CAGDU Meeting October 3 at 7:30 pm

Shannon Dillon shannonldillon at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 03:33:05 UTC 2023

Hey guide dog users and anyone interested in becoming a guide dog
user, or anyone who used to be a guide dog user:
This is a reminder that the California Association of Guide Dog Users
is meeting Tuesday October 3 at 7:30 pm.
The Zoom information is below.

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Meeting ID: 992 3290 3318

Passcode: 038600

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Meeting ID: 992 3290 3318

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/afHc4msBy

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On 9/29/23, Shannon Dillon <shannonldillon at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi CAGDU members,
> Below are the bullet points for the CAGDU wag-a-thon the committee
> came up with and the board approved. I'll ask members to ratify this
> at our meeting on Tuesday but would like to send the announcement out
> before Tuesday's meeting so people can start counting steps. Below the
> bullet points is the announcement. I'd like to send this out this
> evening. Please let me know if you have any questions.
> Thanks.
> Shannon
> Summary:
> -	The Wag-A-Thon will run for the month of October.
> -	The entry fee is $20.00
> -	Contestants may enter in the runner category or the walker category.
> -	Prizes will be $100 for first prize, $75 for second prize and $50
> for third prize for each category
> -	Each winner may choose their prize from one of the following gift
> cards: Apple, Amazon, Starbucks, Target, Lyft, Uber, or Chewy.
> -	At the end of the Wag-A-Thon, contestants will submit their steps to
> Tiffany Manosh at tmanosh at gmail.com.
> -	Winners will be announced at the mini convention in November.
> -	Winners do not need to be present to win.
> -	Board members are eligible to enter and win prizes.
> -	To enter, sign up on the form at the following link:
> https://ulwxastpyh.formstack.com/forms/wag_a_thon
> Announcement:
> Join CAGDU’s Wag-A-Thon for a chance to win a $100, $75, or $50 prize!
> It costs $20 to enter. Decide whether you want to enter as a walker or
> runner. Track your steps during the month of October and submit your
> steps by the deadline. To enter, sign up on the form at the following
> link: https://ulwxastpyh.formstack.com/forms/wag_a_thon. If you need
> help filling out the form, contact Tiffany Manosh at
> tmanosh at gmail.com.
> --
> Legislative Coordinator and
> President of the California Association of Guide Dog Users,
> A Division of the National Federation of the Blind of California
> Find your local chapter at www.nfbcal.org

Legislative Coordinator and
President of the California Association of Guide Dog Users,
A Division of the National Federation of the Blind of California

Find your local chapter at www.nfbcal.org

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