[NFBC-Info] Four weeks until convention. Two weeks to get your draft resolutions to us

Bryan Bashin bryan at getbashin.com
Mon Feb 12 05:17:44 UTC 2024

Hello Federationists,

We've gotten several excellent resolution ideas engaged with the Resolutions Committee.  We're now beginning to turn ideas into real resolutions.

You still have time to submit draft resolutions but the time is finite.  All draft resolutions need to be in our hands by 5:00 pm on February 28th, a couple of weeks from today.

In talking with members, there is no shortage of aspiration that NFBC address inequities for the blind in California.  Please take a minute to consider how your ideals and values can turn into a resolution that we can use to help change the lives of blind Californians.

Please forward your ideas, or simply write to schedule a chat.  You can reach me on:

Or bryan at getbashin.com<mailto:bryan at getbashin.com>

My best,

Bryan Bashin
NFBC Resolutions Committee Chair

Please note I am currently migrating from two old email accounts: bashin at calweb.com<mailto:bashin at calweb.com> and bbashin at lighthouse-sf.org<mailto:bbashin at lighthouse-sf.org>. Please update your address book and email me only at bryan at getbashin.com<mailto:bryan at getbashin.com>.

Bryan Bashin
Mobile: 510.725.1549
bryan at getbashin.com<mailto:bryan at getbashin.com>

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