[NFBC-Info] Everything OK In Your Blindness World? If so, Skip this Message

Bryan Bashin bryan at getbashin.com
Mon Jan 29 17:42:00 UTC 2024

Hello California Federationists,

As we approach our Great Gathering In this afternoon I'm sure no one feels that discrimination still exists.  Or that blind people using  dog guides never get turned away from Lyft and Uber.  Or that every California blind student gets the accessible tools and accommodations they need. Or that blind employees are always treated fairly.  And blind  citizens have all the access to government services the law allows.  Everything is just peachy, right?

If you disagree with the above, if you know policies or practices in California which hurt blind people, if there is a legal or business practice you would love to correct, well  a solution is here.  Help draft a resolution for the NFBC 2024 convention.  These resolutions are the official voice of our organization, and they guide NFBC into  prioritizing the injustices we want to solve in the months and years ahead.

The deadline for submitting your draft resolution is February 28th at 5:00 pm.  Our resolutions committee members will work with you to get your draft into resolution format and make it as strong as possible.  But we can't help if we don't have your first drafts.  So please feel free to write directly to me at:

bryan at getbashin.com<mailto:bryan at getbashin.com>  with your draft ideas, and I'll share them with our committee and get the ball rolling.

Thanks for helping the NFBC take one more step toward social justice.


Bryan Bashin
Resolutions Committee Chair

Please note I am currently migrating from two old email accounts: bashin at calweb.com<mailto:bashin at calweb.com> and bbashin at lighthouse-sf.org<mailto:bbashin at lighthouse-sf.org>. Please update your address book and email me only at bryan at getbashin.com<mailto:bryan at getbashin.com>.

Bryan Bashin
Mobile: 510.725.1549
bryan at getbashin.com<mailto:bryan at getbashin.com>

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