[NFBC-Info] waymo ride-a-long

Robert Stigile rstigile at gmail.com
Sat May 4 19:59:19 UTC 2024

Hello All,
I have been working with Waymo in order  to provide  a day for members to check out a atonomous vehicle in Los Angeles.
We will be providing that experience on Thursday, May 23rd. The details are below. I ask that if you will be attending, if you can let me know, so we can have an idea of how many will be attending. My e-mail will be below my signature.
Details: Santa Monica YMCA
Thursday, May 23rd
3 pm Pacific time
1332 Sixth Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Waymo will be providing snacks and drinks while you wait as well as information about Atonomous Vehicles.
I look forward to seeing many of you there!
Robert Stigile, Second Vice-president
National Federation of the Blind of California
President San Fernando Valley Chapter
rstigile at gmail.com

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