[nfbcs] view source in mozilla firefox

Chris Westbrook westbchris at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 23:25:26 UTC 2009

I was curious if any of you have done javascript development in mozilla firefox and have run into the following problem.  I can look at the error console and see what line an error has happened, but when I go to view source and attempt to go to that line with control g the cursor isn't moved there.  MY sighted colleague tells me the line is highlighted.  This works in internet explorer, but the line count in ie seems inaccurate.  Is there a plug-in or something that will fix this?  also, if this is a bug, how should I go about submitting it to mozilla?  I believe the editor of access world has done some work with them and may be on this list.  also, have any of you started developing with Ajax?  I have started doing some of this with asp.net for my work, and things aren't as bad as I had feared they would be in terms of accessibility.  Curious to here your thoughts.

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