[nfbcs] WebX training

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Fri Nov 11 15:24:55 UTC 2011

We're getting a new version of Remedy at work, for which we get some
training.  I've signed up for the WebX class.  Apparently, we all log on
to somewhere, and then the teacher does all the data entry and we all see
the same thing.  If it works, it sounds much better than sitting with no
terminal while everyone else clicks away in the training room.
Has anyone done this?  Can I be reasonably confident it will work?  Or
will it turn out to be one of those deals where all that's sent is an
image Jaws can't interpret?  Though I guess, if that's the case, I won't
be any worse off than I would be sitting in the training room.
Anyone have any experience with this sort of class?

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