[nfbcs] Single or Dual Core Processor
enes.saribas at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 16:30:11 UTC 2011
the more cores you have, the faster your pc
in other words the more cores the better
my laptop has 4 cores for example
From: "Peter Donahue" <pdonahue2 at satx.rr.com>
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 6:55 PM
To: "NFBnet NFBCS Mailing List" <nfbcs at nfbnet.org>
Subject: [nfbcs] Single or Dual Core Processor
> Good morning everyone,
> I'd be curious to hear what everyone's experiences with dual core
> processors has been compared to computers with a single core processor
> particularly where assistive technology is concerned. We talked to a
> friend
> of ours last night who now owns a PC with a dual-core processor and told
> us
> that JAWS and the other assistive technology she uses works far better
> than
> it did on her machine that had a single-core processor. If it were up to
> me
> Mary's new machine would have a quad core processor as will my new machine
> when I porches it hopefully next year. Maybe that's processor over-kill
> but
> as more applications become more system resource-intensive if you plan
> ahead
> you're one step ahead of the technology.
> Peter Donahue
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