[nfbcs] Fwd: Please distribute as appropriate: Student request for help
David Andrews
dandrews at visi.com
Wed Sep 21 18:23:36 UTC 2011
I have been asked to circulate the following:
>From: "Amy Ruell" <aruell at comcast.net>
>To: <Dandrews at visi.com>
>Subject: Please distribute as appropriate: Student request for help
>Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 14:08:01 -0400
>Hello David,
>A group of students from Boston University is working to develop a
>Braille device which would possibly be a book reading device. They
>are gathering information from Braille users and other blind people
>and need answers to theirquestions this week if at all possible.
>Please distribute as appropriate.
>Thank you.
>Amy Ruell
>Interview Questions for the Blind and Visually Impaired
>Hosted By Boston University Students
>Summary: Our semester project is to create a business plan for a new
>product. We are developing an e-reader with a refreshable Braille
>display, much like a Kindle for the blind. This survey is meant to
>help develop the product in the best interest of the users. We
>appreciate your responses to the following questions.
>Send responses to
>mariomenajr at yahoo.com
>1. How do you prefer to read? (i.e. audiobooks, Braille, etc.)
>2. In the past year, how many books have you read?
>3. In the past year, how much have you spent on books?
>4. How often do you use a computer?
>5. How would you benefit from the eBraille?
>6. Rank these eBraille features from 1-5 (1 being the most important)
> Portable
> Inexpensive
> Durable
> Easy to Use
> Long Battery Life
>7. What are your favorite weekend activities?
>8. What are your top 3 hobbies or interests?
>9. Do you have any questions or concerns?
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