[nfbcs] Please explain

Curtis Chong curtischong at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 9 01:18:08 UTC 2012


The way Drop Box works goes like this.

Your friend decides to add you to a list of people to share a folder that
he/she owns.  You receive an email indicating that you've been invited to
share the folder.  You accept the invitation.  Then, the folder appears in
your Drop Box area.  Any time your friend decides to put something into the
shared folder, your computer synchronizes with it, and your folder is
updated.  Any time your friend decides to delete something from the shared
folder, that same file is deleted from the shared folder in the Drop Box
area on your computer.

Now, if your friend simply wants to make a file available to you and you are
not a member of Drop Box, all he has to do is to get a link to the file and
give you the address (URL)that he obtained.  This also works in reverse.  If
you want to give me a link to a file in your Drop Box area, you highlight
the file in Windows Explorer, right click on it, go into the Drop Box menu,
and click on "get link".  When the page comes up, you steal the address from
the address bar and give it to me via email or something.

Now, if you are sending large files to Drop Box, you have to allow enough
time for these large files to be uploaded.  To know when the upload is done,
you simply look at the Drop Box icon in your notification area (System

I hope this helps to clarify things.


Curtis Chong

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