[nfbcs] {Disarmed} FW: The 6dot Braille Labeler: Ready to Ship!
Brian Mackey
bmackey88 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 4 13:54:18 UTC 2012
Hello All,
Please forward to everyone you know that is a Braille reader. This is a new Braille labeler that one of my sighted friends first told me about about a year ago.
Brian A. Mackey
Brian A. Mackey
Mackey Enterprises LLC
<mailto:bmackey88 at gmail.com> bmackey88 at gmail.com
“Happy are those who dream dreams and are willing to pay the price to make those dreams come true.”
- Vince Papale
From: The 6dot Team [mailto:info=6dot.com at mail49.us1.mcsv.net] On Behalf Of The 6dot Team
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2012 3:14 AM
To: BrianMackey
Subject: The 6dot Braille Labeler: Ready to Ship!
Inside: ship date and ordering info for the 6dot Braille labeler!
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Announcement: Shipping Date for the 6dot!
We’re excited to announce that the long-awaited 6dot Braille labeler is ready to purchase and ship!
There are only 150 labelers available, so be sure to order yours before they run out! Ordering opens up on Monday, February 6, at <http://6dot.us2.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=48746372677310cb1ea423eb3&id=2edea2554b&e=ab3a026b39> http://6dot.com. For $329.99, you’ll get a sleek, battery-operated labeler that creates crisp, high-quality Braille. Lightweight and portable, the labeler can print in any language that maps to the Braille alphabet -- along with math and music! Use the labeler’s seven built-in keys or attach a QWERTY keyboard to easily create labels.
The labeler’s ship date is Tuesday, February 21st. This Monday, at 9am PST, make sure one of our labelers will be heading your way by making your purchase on our website. And in the meantime, spread the word to family and friends so that they, too, can enjoy a state-of-the-art labeling experience.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to drop us a line at info at 6dot.com. Please note that we are only shipping to US addresses at this time.
We can’t wait to put your 6dot Braille labeler in the mail!
The 6dot Team
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