[nfbcs] Glink?
Tracy Carcione
carcione at access.net
Thu Apr 4 14:29:23 UTC 2013
I have an excellent set of Jaws scripts for terminal emulation, written by
Glen Sepke. Modifying them to work with a different emulator than mine is
pretty simple; I think the instructions for doing so are written into the
script comments.
If anyone wants them, Glen has told me I am free to share.
----- Original Message -----
From: "John G. Heim" <jheim at math.wisc.edu>
To: "NFB in Computer Science Mailing List" <nfbcs at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: [nfbcs] Glink?
>I have never used tera term so I can't help you there. If you want to try
>openssh, I can provide both a 32 bit installer (works with Windows 7) and a
>jaws script. The only other thing you can do is to join the jaws
>scripting list. If you already know a programming language, you shouldn't
>have too much trouble picking up the jaws scripting language. You might
>have to spend a few days learning how to write jaws scripts but it's not
>too difficult.
> Typically what you have to do in your jaws script for a terminal emulator
> is mess around with functions that are called when new text appears on the
> screen and the function that echos key presses. My openssh script, for
> example, recognizes a password prompt and turns off key echo until you
> press the enter key. Obviously that was important so people couldn't hear
> me type in passwords for things like mysql, sudoing to root, and stuff
> like that. Even if your initial login password isn't spoken, once you're
> on the remote server, you are probably typing passwords all the time. So
> you really need to either find a script that recognizes password prompts,
> write one yourself, or turn off key echo every time you need to enter a
> password.
> I suspect that while you may be able to make things work a little better
> by tweaking your jaws configuration, if you're going to de using your
> terminal emulator a lot every day, you will probably want to either find
> jaws scripts or write them yourself.
> On 04/03/2013 05:50 PM, Leslie Fairall wrote:
>> Hi John:
>> I use Tera Term Web 3.1 at home. When I use Braille, it works fine.
>> However, when I turn speech on, it is terrible. The first problem is
>> that it echos every key I type. I have no clue how to fix it. Second, I
>> don't know how to get it to read the screen. It just reads the current
>> line.
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