[nfbcs] Glink?

John G. Heim jheim at math.wisc.edu
Fri Apr 5 14:01:24 UTC 2013

Well, it doesn't matter whether your are running 32 or 64 bit Windows. 
Openssh for Windows works for both the 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows 
XP and Windows 7. I haven't tried it in any other versions of Windows. 
Here are links to the openssh installer and my script.


After you install openssh, you can run it by opening a run dialog box or 
a command window and just typing, "ssh <hostname>". If you have to 
connect as a different user, you'd say, "ssh username at hostname".

I don't really know how to install the jss script except to paste it 
into the jaws script editor puffer. What I always did to install it was 
to run ssh, press insert+0 to run the jaws script editor, paste the code 
into the editor buffer, and then press alt+f4 to exit. The script editor 
asks if you want to save your changes. If you say yes, it compiles and 
saves te script.

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