[nfbcs] How can I take my picture and video files out of my iPhone?

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Sat Dec 7 14:05:55 UTC 2013

I am absolutely not an expert on iThings, but I think you can only copy 
through ITunes.  I think there is a tab within ITunes that says something 
like "pictures and video", so maybe you can copy only those.
I have tried ITunes with Jaws11 and NVDA, and neither one worked 
particularly well.  But, being a complete novice with iThings, it could be 
me.  I've been meaning to try it with a later Jaws version and see if it 
works better, but haven't got around to it yet.
Good luck.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Oso Calmo" <osocalmo at yahoo.co.jp>
To: "NFB in Computer Science Mailing List" <nfbcs at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 8:16 PM
Subject: [nfbcs] How can I take my picture and video files out of my iPhone?

> Hi listers,
> One year ago, I bought an iPhone and I have taken lots of pictures and 
> recorded some videos since then.  I have about 60GB of data (jpg files, 
> mov files, etc).  I would like to copy all those files to a Blue-lay disk, 
> using my Windows computer (XP sp3 or Vista sp2) and Jaws Ver 11.
> To do so, I wont to copy the files to an external hard disk as JPG files, 
> MOV files, etc, so that I can see them and use them directly with my pc.
> 1. I connected my iPhone to the pc thru the USB port, made a backup and 
> checked for the target folder, but I only found lots of files without 
> extension.
> 2. Then I looked into the iPhone with Computer from my pc (Windows Vista) 
> and I found lots of JPG and MOV files in about 10 folders in "Local 
> storage".  However, when I tried to copy them all to the external hard 
> disk thru my pc, using Computer, the process stopped and an error was 
> displayed saying that a handle couldn't be found.
> I tried to do the same (use this second method) with XP, but no subfolders 
> or files were displayed (I might have to wait for them to appear).
> 3. Then, I thought to use iTunes to copy the files, but I don't know how 
> to do so.  I can't synchronize all files to my computer, because I have 
> only 5GB of free space in the C drive, where the User folder is (iTunes 
> will copy the files there, I understand).  There will be no space for all 
> the files.
> I don't think that JPG and MOV files are copied with the first method and, 
> even if they are copied, it's useless, because I get files that I can't 
> load with my Windows pc.
> The second method seems to be the most appropriate, but will all my data 
> be copied (all pictures and videos)?
> I don't wont to lose data because of using an irregular method.
> Is there any way to synchronize all the files from my iPhone to my pc 
> (third method), using the external hard disk directly?
> Is there any other way to do this?
> I called Apple, but the directions they gave me didn't help.
> Thanks in advance.
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