[nfbcs] Accessibility of Open Office and Lotus Symphony under Linux and Windows
Jude DaShiell
jdashiel at shellworld.net
Mon Oct 7 01:24:42 UTC 2013
With windows, having java accessibility enabled helps libreoffice and
apacheopenoffice accessibility.
On Sun, 6 Oct 2013, Tami Jarvis wrote:
> Peter,
> Orca is the screen reader for Linux, and it is totally free, no SMAS or
> anything! There are others for various functions and command line use, but for
> working with the GUI, Orca is it. It does very well and is under constant
> development to keep up with changes.
> LibreOffice is really accessible on Linux, but I don't know about Windows.
> I've never tried
> For braille, you have BRLTTY and liblouis, which are also under constant
> development and maintenance, so support there is also getting better all the
> time. Again, it's all open source so free.
> There are some multimedia types on the Orca list:
> https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/orca-list. You can find some good
> discussions in the archive, I'm sure, or ask questions on the list.
> That's about all I know! Well, and that given the cost of Windows software for
> the stuff you do, you can save 4 or 5 figures worth in a hurry. Worth the
> learning curve if you ask me! /smile/
> Good luck!
> Tami
> On 10/06/2013 11:30 AM, Peter Donahue wrote:
> > Good afternoon again everyone,
> >
> > We tried Open Office in the past using earlier versions of JAWS but
> > found the accessibility to be less than desirable. We currently have
> > JFW14 on our machines and am curious to know what the state of
> > accessibility of Open Office is at present for both the Linux and
> > Windows OS. The same goes for Lotus Symphoney. I heard that Lotus
> > Symphoney is the most accessible of the two but would like additional
> > feedback on this matter. Also if neither of these two programs work
> > under Linux is there an office suite for Linux you can recommend? Your
> > feedback will be very much appreciated.
> >
> > Peter Donahue
> >
> >
> >
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