[nfbcs] Mary's Computer is Back Home!
Gabe Vega - CEO Commtech LLC
theblindtech at gmail.com
Mon Jan 20 23:29:25 UTC 2014
oh, and by the way, I never mentioned my company. Not once. I don't have to, or the services we offer. I have customers, in fact lots of customers, who subscribed to our monthly services, so I got money rolling in all year. and I don't Chase customers, or my employees don't Chase customers either. Why am I even responding to this kid? I don't know maybe I'm hungry I need to go find something to eat now. Talk to you guys later
Gabe Vega - CEO
Commtech LLC
The leader of computer support, training and web development services
Web: http://commtechusa.net
Twitter: http://twitter.com/commtechllc
Facebook: http://facebook.com/commtechllc
Email: info at commtechusa.net
Phone: (888) 351-5289 Ext. 710
Fax: (480) 535-7649
> On Jan 20, 2014, at 4:20 PM, "Littlefield, Tyler" <tyler at tysdomain.com> wrote:
> To what end? What exactly are you hoping to get out of that? If you can jam your company down everyone's throat, who cares if their computer breaks every day and they write here about it.
>> On 1/20/2014 6:09 PM, Gabe Vega - CEO Commtech LLC wrote:
>> there was no confusion, I was just commenting on how your computers are always broken, and you must pay a lot of money to get them fixed
>> Gabe Vega - CEO
>> Commtech LLC
>> The leader of computer support, training and web development services
>> Web: http://commtechusa.net
>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/commtechllc
>> Facebook: http://facebook.com/commtechllc
>> Email: info at commtechusa.net
>> Phone: (888) 351-5289 Ext. 710
>> Fax: (480) 535-7649
>>> On Jan 20, 2014, at 3:54 PM, "Mary Donahue" <braille at satx.rr.com> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> If the fact that I mentioned Computer Nerdz in my post it is not
>>> meant as an insult to anyone but is the name of a computer instruction and
>>> repair firm located in central and south Texas. Two of their markets are in
>>> Austin and San Antonio. Their Web Site URL is: http://www.nerdz.com
>>> After working with this machine from its return from the bench as they
>>> would call it they did an excellent job of making this rig good as new. Hope
>>> this clears up the confusion.
>>> Peter Donahue
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: nfbcs [mailto:nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Gabe Vega - CEO
>>> Commtech LLC
>>> Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 4:30 PM
>>> To: NFB in Computer Science Mailing List
>>> Cc: NFB in Computer Science Mailing List
>>> Subject: Re: [nfbcs] Mary's Computer is Back Home!
>>> to the original post often.
>>> Gabe Vega - CEO
>>> Commtech LLC
>>> The leader of computer support, training and web development services
>>> Web: http://commtechusa.net
>>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/commtechllc
>>> Facebook: http://facebook.com/commtechllc
>>> Email: info at commtechusa.net
>>> Phone: (888) 351-5289 Ext. 710
>>> Fax: (480) 535-7649
>>>>> On Jan 20, 2014, at 2:58 PM, "Nicole Torcolini" <ntorcolini at wavecable.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> To whom exactly are you referring ?
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: nfbcs [mailto:nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Gabe Vega -
>>>> CEO Commtech LLC
>>>> Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 1:41 PM
>>>> To: NFB in Computer Science Mailing List
>>>> Cc: NFB in Computer Science Mailing List
>>>> Subject: Re: [nfbcs] Mary's Computer is Back Home!
>>>> what I wonder, is what really causes you all to have so many computer
>>>> problems? Your computer maintenance and support costs must be
>>>> outrageous
>>>> Gabe Vega - CEO
>>>> Commtech LLC
>>>> The leader of computer support, training and web development services
>>>> Web: http://commtechusa.net
>>>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/commtechllc
>>>> Facebook: http://facebook.com/commtechllc
>>>> Email: info at commtechusa.net
>>>> Phone: (888) 351-5289 Ext. 710
>>>> Fax: (480) 535-7649
>>>>>> On Jan 20, 2014, at 2:31 PM, "Peter Donahue" <pdonahue2 at satx.rr.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Good afternoon everyone,
>>>>> After what was a harrowing weekend I'm please to let you know that
>>>> Mary's computer is back from the shop having undergone a complete OS
>>>> rebuild to rid it of the viruses that took it down last week. Now to
>>>> reload our applications and data. Fortunately since we have off-site
>>>> storage that task will be simpler as we can just pull the data folders
>>>> from the cloud in order to localize it.
>>>>> As for the Microsoft Office issue they were able to reload Office
>>>>> 2010
>>>> and reactivate it. No need to spend money for office 365.
>>>>> The good thing about Computer Nerdz is that they've had
>>>>> experience servicing computers with assistive technology installed on
>>>>> them. For those living in Austin and San Antonio these are two of
>>>>> their service areas. Their Web site URL Is: www.nirdz.com
>>>>> All the best.
>>>>> Peter Donahue
>>>>> ---
>>>>> This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus
>>>> protection is active.
>>>>> http://www.avast.com
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> --
> Take care,
> Ty
> http://tds-solutions.net
> He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that dares not reason is a slave.
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