[nfbcs] Innovation, Usability, Accessibility, standards, and legal requirements.

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Tue Mar 4 22:22:16 UTC 2014

While I can't speak for her, I suspect she means what is often called 
usability.  Basically it means that things behave in expected 
ways.  So, when you encounter them, you know how to use them I mean 
controls, links, forms etc.


At 08:48 AM 3/4/2014, you wrote:
>Nicole, could you expand on this statement?  It sounds like an interesting
>perspective, but I'm not really sure what you mean.
> > A large part of accessibility is user experience. It certainly is not all
> > of
> > it, but a large number of the problems with which I deal probably would
> > not
> > exist if the user experience part was better.

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