[nfbcs] Accessibility presentation in my computing ethics class

Suzanne Germano sgermano at asu.edu
Tue Mar 11 02:30:03 UTC 2014

Thank you Nicole

On Monday, March 10, 2014, Nicole Torcolini <ntorcolini at wavecable.com>

> Here is an Eyes on Success episode  about it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbcs [mailto:nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org <javascript:;>] On Behalf Of
> Suzanne Germano
> Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 11:32 AM
> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list; nfbcs at nfbnet.org<javascript:;>
> Subject: [nfbcs] Fwd: Accessibility presentation in my computing ethics
> class
> I sent this out last week and got a few replies. I am hoping for many more
> and would like some personal experiences. I will be presenting to future
> software developers so here is a chance to tell them issues that exist,
> frustrations with new releases no longer being accessible and what is
> needed
> for accessibility. I would like accessibility to be discussed throughout
> the
> computer science degree program so the more information I can provide the
> better.
> I am a legally blind computer science student at Arizona State University.
> I am currently taking a course in computing ethics. I chose to do my
> presentation on computing and the disabled. There are only a couple of
> pages
> in our text about it that talk about accessibility but also talk about
> companies deciding not to provide accommodation becasue technology now
> allows employees to work remote.
> I will be researching the subject but I know that the people on these lists
> have vast knowledge so I thought this was the perfect place to ask
> questions. I am a user of mac zoom and zoontext so I dont' know a lot about
> the specific accessibility issues when using JAWS
> So here are some of my questions. Also feel free to offer information on
> anything I may have left outs.
> What do software developers need to do to ensure the software they develop
> is accessible via a screen reader?
> Is is just things like in visual studio setting the Accessibility
> Properties
> of a control like a combo box?
> When I use ZoomText the insertion point is tracked in some software but not
> others. What needs to be done to allow tracking? Does the software need to
> expose something?
> What makes a web page accessible vs not accessible with speech?
> What have been people's experiences with things like blackboard, or other
> sites you are required to use in school to access your class, turn in
> assignments, take online quizzes/tests etc.
> Where can a developer go to learn about requirements for accessibility,
> what
> makes a program or webpage more accessible Does anyone have experience on
> the job in which a program you were using was accessible but they came out
> with a new version that was no longer accessible? Specific examples would
> be
> really helpful What laws exist concerning accessibility to computers,
> software etc?
> I would really love to show a demo of someone who is really experienced
> with
> JAWS especially someone who works in the computer science field. Would any
> one be willing to provide me with a short video of you working so the
> students can see how we work in the field? I would provide a link to my
> dropbox for the video. I can do any required editing.
> After I present to the class, I am planning on providing my presentation to
> the dean of computer science and explain why I believe accessibility should
> be taught from the beginning to computer science students. If they learn to
> at least think about it when learning to develop software I believe they
> will be more likely to do it in practice. I believe most people don't even
> think about since it does not affect them or anyone they know.
> I also think it would be really cool for the disabled student resource
> center to partner with the computer science department to set up a list of
> volunteers who are users on screen readers to sit with students and test
> the
> accessibility of their code as a learning experience.
> Thank you in advance for your help
> Suzanne
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