[nfbcs] Using Youtube and uploading videos

Jim Portillo portillo.jim at gmail.com
Fri Mar 14 18:42:23 UTC 2014

Hi there,


I'd like to talk with anyone who manages a Youtube channel and is a JAWS
user.  I need to learn about things like uploading videos and overall
managing of the sight.  How easy is it to navigate the site with JAWS?


I will soon be helping someone with a youtube page, and as I begin to
explore it, I find it somewhat confusing using JAWS.

For instance, uploading videos seems complicated.  I hit the enter key on
"upload."  I then decided to go into "Linkslist" mode, and it still didn't
seem to do anything.  

When trying to edit the page itself, I tried entering in information, such
as the name, but there are times when "forms mode" doesn't always work.


I hope Youtube is doable for JAWS users without too much headache.  

At this point, I really need to know about uploading videos effectively.
The videos are already on my computer.

Is there an alternative way to use Youtube, such as a mobile site?


Thanks for any tips I can get.  I've been working with this page on/off for
the past couple of days.




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