[nfbcs] Act Now! Test Reading Systems for Accessibility
Andrews, David B (DEED) via Dtb-talk
dtb-talk at nfbnet.org
Wed Oct 1 15:28:07 UTC 2014
Dear DAISY and EPUB Community and all others interested in improving
reading experiences:
We have made progress recruiting people to test reading systems that
support EPUB 3, but we still need many more. We would like to pay for
this work and are seeking funding. However, we currently do not have
the funding and are asking volunteers for help.
If you are associated with a university or other institution that
will benefit from having reliable digital reading systems available
for students with special needs, please participate and spend some
time testing a reading system used on your campus or being considered for use.
Ideally, a moderator will be identified for each reading system on a
specific platform (OS) and that moderator will help other volunteers
test and report findings using the Assistive Technology (AT) at their disposal.
Example: Reading system HappyReader (fictional name) running on
Windows 7 will have a moderator who manages volunteers to test
HappyReader with the wide range of AT used on Windows 7. The screen
reader JFW using TTS as output would be one evaluation performed;
another volunteer evaluator would test HappyReader with NVDA using
braille output; another tester would use screen magnification
ZoomText and report the results, etc.
Because of the wide range of AT used by persons with disabilities, a
crowd source approach will be used. We encourage organizations to
sponsor testing by assigning people to test the specific reading
systems and technologies used in their organization. For example, a
university using specific AT with specific reading systems will
assign people to work on testing those systems and share their findings.
Please go to the primary website to learn more:
The grid that currently lists 57 reading systems is at:
For example, you will find the details for the accessibility testing
of the VitalSource Bookshelf Version 6.5 for Windows using JFW 15.
Test result is an excellent 77.8%:
Readium for Chrome on Windows using JFW 15 scored 75.76%:
Start Today - Look at the grid on
epubtest.org<http://epubtest.org/results>, find a reading system you
want to test, and email Kerscher at montana.com<mailto:Kerscher at montana.com>
We will be promoting tested reading systems that support accessible
and rich reading experiences so people can find systems that meet
their reading needs. They can also get help with deciding where they
should spend their money.
This work is an important piece in building Inclusive Publishing and
Reading Systems. We appreciate your time and commitment.
George Kerscher Ph.D.
-In our Information Age, access to information is a fundamental human right.
Secretary General, DAISY Consortium
Senior Officer, Accessible Technology Learning Ally Together It's Possible
President, International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF)
Member of the National Museum and Library Services Board (IMLS)
Chair Steering Council Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), a division
of the W3C
Phone: +1 406/549-4687
Cell:+1 406/544-2466
Email: kerscher at montana.com<mailto:kerscher at montana.com>
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