[nfbcs] Helping a software engineer keep his job
Steve Jacobson
steve.jacobson at visi.com
Sat Oct 18 23:48:34 UTC 2014
At one time, Teraterm Pro worked well with screen readers and is also not free, but does anyone know if that is true yet?
Best regards,
On Sat, 18 Oct 2014 05:26:00 -0500, Louis Maher via nfbcs wrote:
>SecureCRT is an ssh client that works well with JAWS
>(http://www.vandyke.com/products/securecrt/). It costs $70 and is well
>worth it. I also cannot get putty and JAWS to work together.
>Louis Maher
>Phone 713-444-7838
>E-mail ljmaher at swbell.net
>-----Original Message-----
>From: nfbcs [mailto:nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Ian C. Bray via
>Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 7:21 PM
>To: Gary Wunder; NFB in Computer Science Mailing List
>Subject: Re: [nfbcs] Helping a software engineer keep his job
>It has been my experience that this is a more difficult thing to accomplish
>than one would think.
>I am too an old Sys
>Admin & Analyst, and since I've lost my vision, and tried to find my way
>back to the IS IT Field, it has been nothing but frustration after
>I have managed to use Command Shell Telnet on Windows machines to telnet
>into my UBUNTU boxes, but I had to install TELNET which is unsafe in orter
>to do this.
>I know of professionals that use Putty and JAWS to do the same, but I
>cannot get Putty working.
>Correction-- Putty works fine... JAWS doesn't work well on my XP machine
>that I'm using to telnet in.
>Ideally, Orca, espeak, or emacsspeak ( are all free rpm installable ) should
>get the job done, but I cannot find any help to get it working.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Gary Wunder via nfbcs" <nfbcs at nfbnet.org>
>To: "'NFB in Computer Science Mailing List'" <nfbcs at nfbnet.org>
>Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 11:47 AM
>Subject: [nfbcs] Helping a software engineer keep his job
>> Several days ago I was contacted by a software engineer who is going
>> blind.
>> He uses the Linux operating system, and what he really needs is a way to
>> efficiently do the things that are required of him as a programmer for
>> Lockheed Martin. His employer seems to be willing to get him any equipment
>> that might help him in his job, so they have gotten him Zoom text, the
>> K1000, and I think they have even purchased several copies of JAWS for
>> Windows for him to use on several computers. Of course all of these are
>> based on Microsoft Windows, and what he really needs to interact with is a
>> Linux box. He has figured out a way to do some terminal emulation that
>> lets
>> him use screen reading technology, but all of the workarounds really make
>> it
>> difficult for him to do what once was efficient.
>> Do any of you have ideas about how to help him? My impression is that he
>> is
>> smart, motivated, well regarded by his employer, but at his wits in as to
>> how to do his job and to meet the deadlines that are being offered. He is
>> monitoring this list and will appreciate any comments that people care to
>> give. I will be monitoring the list, but I will be on vacation and rather
>> out of touch for the next ten days or so. I thank all of you for thinking
>> about this and giving him your best ideas. His name is Graham Mehl.
>> Warmly,
>> Gary
>> Linix operating system
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