[nfbcs] Grub Question:

Brian Buhrow buhrow at nfbcal.org
Mon Aug 17 23:21:38 UTC 2015

	Hello.   Option  5 is to install Linux with Speakup and use that from
the Linux console.


On Aug 17,  4:07pm, Jim Barbour via nfbcs wrote:
} Subject: Re: [nfbcs] Grub Question:
} If you need to interact with grub while your machine is booting, which
} is likely if you're hacking it, then you're only option is to
} configure grub so it will display it's output to a USB port, rather
} than a graphics display.
} I'm afraid I don't have the exact instructions for doing this, just a strong belief that it can be done.  
} As for Linux screen reader access, you have three choices.  They are
} ranked according to my preference.  I'm hoping others will chime in
} with theirs..
} 1. Configure LInux so you can use ssh to connect to it via the networking from a mac or windows machine running a screen reader.
} 2. Install yasr, which is a screen reader which only works inside a linux terminal.
} 3. Install emacspeak, which is a text based, talking environment for interacting with LInux.  It's a nice environment, but might be a lot for you to learn.
} 4. install orca, which is a full GUI screen reader.  Others on this list like it more than I do.
} Hope this gets you started googling <grin>
} Jim
} On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 05:24:05PM -0400, Charles E. Black via nfbcs wrote:
} > Greetings:
} > 
} >  
} > 
} > I am attending a Master's class on Ethical Hacking. They gave me a Linux
} > disk with the Grub distro. This disk contains different hacking tools I will
} > be using throughout the class. Is there a way to make the Grub distro use
} > speech? Beyond, once I determine what tools there are, is there a way to
} > attack the linux problem? I know what linux is and I have looked at Ubuntu,
} > a little. Now, I need to be more than a little familiar with linux.
} > Education will happen quickly. But, it will never happen if I don't have a
} > functional verssion of linux. Can some make any suggestions?
} > 
} >  
} > 
} > Charles Black
} > 
} > charleseblack at att.net
} > 
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>-- End of excerpt from Jim Barbour via nfbcs

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