[nfbcs] Grub Question:

Charles E. Black charleseblack at att.net
Tue Aug 18 01:20:38 UTC 2015

Has anyone heard of BackTrack? This is the system that I am supposed to use
to infiltrate systems. I believe there are a couple of hurdles I will have
to jump. First, there is the Grub. Then there is the BackTrack system. 

-----Original Message-----
From: nfbcs [mailto:nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Christopher
Chaltain via nfbcs
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 8:30 PM
To: NFB in Computer Science Mailing List <nfbcs at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Christopher Chaltain <chaltain at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [nfbcs] Grub Question:

Almost everything i use is covered here, but I'd order things a bit

1) Orca on the desktop with Unity, Gnome or Mate

2) Emacspeak with Emacs

3) Speakup in the console

4) ChromeVox with Chrome

Vinux and Sonar are distributions configured especially for the blind. 
The boot media should come up talking and they'll come with accessible
applications on the live CD and the install media. Vinux is based on Ubuntu
which is based on Debian, while Sonar is based on Manjaro which is based on

I personally use Vinux with Orca, Emacspeak, Speakup and ChromeVox. This is
my every day system at home, and used to be the system I used at my previous
job. Pretty much the only time I boot Windows is to run iTunes.

On 08/17/2015 06:21 PM, Brian Buhrow via nfbcs wrote:
> 	Hello.   Option  5 is to install Linux with Speakup and use that
> the Linux console.
> -thanks
> -Brian
> On Aug 17,  4:07pm, Jim Barbour via nfbcs wrote:
> } Subject: Re: [nfbcs] Grub Question:
> } If you need to interact with grub while your machine is booting, 
> which } is likely if you're hacking it, then you're only option is to 
> } configure grub so it will display it's output to a USB port, rather 
> } than a graphics display.
> }
> } I'm afraid I don't have the exact instructions for doing this, just a
strong belief that it can be done.
> }
> } As for Linux screen reader access, you have three choices.  They are 
> } ranked according to my preference.  I'm hoping others will chime in 
> } with theirs..
> }
> } 1. Configure LInux so you can use ssh to connect to it via the
networking from a mac or windows machine running a screen reader.
> }
> } 2. Install yasr, which is a screen reader which only works inside a
linux terminal.
> }
> } 3. Install emacspeak, which is a text based, talking environment for
interacting with LInux.  It's a nice environment, but might be a lot for you
to learn.
> }
> } 4. install orca, which is a full GUI screen reader.  Others on this list
like it more than I do.
> }
> } Hope this gets you started googling <grin> } } Jim } } On Mon, Aug 
> 17, 2015 at 05:24:05PM -0400, Charles E. Black via nfbcs wrote:
> } > Greetings:
> } >
> } >
> } >
> } > I am attending a Master's class on Ethical Hacking. They gave me a 
> Linux } > disk with the Grub distro. This disk contains different 
> hacking tools I will } > be using throughout the class. Is there a way 
> to make the Grub distro use } > speech? Beyond, once I determine what 
> tools there are, is there a way to } > attack the linux problem? I 
> know what linux is and I have looked at Ubuntu, } > a little. Now, I need
to be more than a little familiar with linux.
> } > Education will happen quickly. But, it will never happen if I 
> don't have a } > functional verssion of linux. Can some make any
> } >
> } >
> } >
> } > Charles Black
> } >
> } > charleseblack at att.net
> } >
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>> -- End of excerpt from Jim Barbour via nfbcs
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Christopher (CJ)
chaltain at Gmail

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