[nfbcs] Fwd: [duxnews] Announcing DBT 11.3 SR1
David Andrews
dandrews at visi.com
Thu Dec 17 02:38:19 UTC 2015
>Dear Duxnews and Duxuser listers,
>Our next service release, DBT 11.3 SR1 (build date 2015-12-4), has
>been released.
>DBT 11.3 sr1 is now shipping and available on the Web for download.
>Those with existing licenses can use Help/Check for Updates
>(Alt-H-U) to check if their licenses are within the eligibility
>period for receiving DBT 11.3 SR1 as a free update. Those eligible
>for 11.3 are eligible for 11.3 sr1. Those with licenses outside of
>the eligibility period can run DBT 11.3 SR1 as a time-limited trial
>for up to 45 days. If you have questions or need an update quotation
>please contact your dealer or info at duxsys.com.
>DBT 11.3 SR1 can also be downloaded from this web page:
>Here is a list of what's new since DBT 11.3:
>Math Improvements:
>-- The LaTeX importer handles additional LaTeX commands including
>the \newcommand operator with parameters (for macros). It now
>handles null text segments without error.
>-- The LaTeX and Word importers, as well as DBT translation, are
>improved so that for Nemeth math within UEB, the commands
>[[*idle~ptims*]] and [[*idle~ptime*]] set up a document section
>where even the text outside of technical notation continues to use
>Nemeth Code conventions. In this section the braille continues to
>use Nemeth style punctuation, and now makes correct use of the
>letter sign, as in the labels for problem sets.
>-- In UEB braille with Nemeth Code, the translated line display is
>no longer garbled by the first instance of Nemeth code.
>Transcription Improvements for UEB (Unified English Braille):
>-- The UEB print-to-braille table now implements the preferred
>capitals treatment for the case of three successive initials.
>-- The bana_uk.mws file now uses the DBT "para" style rather than
>-- The translator no longer prevents certain contractions from being
>used before an at-sign (@), as in email addresses.
>-- DBT chooses better line breaks for braille lines with long URL's
>and long numbers.
>-- The default page numbering in the UEB/UK Formatting Template and
>the Cymraeg (Welsh) template now matches UK standards.
>Transcription Improvements for Pre-UEB:
>-- The American English translator now renders dots 456, 256 for the
>Unicode bullet character (U+2022).
>-- The BANA templates for Pre-UEB formats now include the "math" and
>"math-TextInMath" styles.
>Functions Restored:
>-- When importing a Word document, DBT once again removes excess sk1
>codes before/after pg codes.
>-- Importing DBT hard space markup from XML processing instruction
>markup has been restored.
>-- The correct page numbering behavior for UK braille has been restored.
>-- DBT again supports the Formats 2011 system for underlining.
>A Variety of Other Improvements:
>-- DBT is now optimized to import all files more quickly.
>-- The mws files have been modified to handle the Word style "Normal
>(web)" exactly like "Normal".
>-- We have increased the number of Word styles that are mapped to
>DBT in the dbt.mws file.
>-- There is a new feature in the Global View Options dialog to "Show
>line numbers in formatted braille".
>-- We have fixed many problems with the translated line display and
>interline print.
>-- The translated line display does a better job handling assisted
>hyphens and hard spaces.
>-- Many table formatting issues have been fixed.
>Language Table Improvements:
>This release includes one complete new language table (Ingush) as
>well as fixes to nine other tables. Here is a small sampling:
>-- Refreshable braille devices may now serve as screen access tools
>for DBT in Russian and Mongolian for both JAWS and NVDA.
>-- The Cantonese translator restores the ability to mix Cantonese
>and English.
>-- The Farsi translator handles numbers rendered in traditional
>non-Arabic style.
>-- Updates to: Arabic, Biblical Languages, Danish, Finnish, Russian,
>and Serbian.
>For a more detailed list, see http://www.duxburysystems.com/update.htm.
>Regards to all,
>Joe Sullivan
>President, Duxbury Systems, Inc.
David Andrews and long white cane Harry.
E-Mail: dandrews at visi.com or david.andrews at nfbnet.org
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