[nfbcs] K-Maps
Edgar Lozano
1419goku at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 05:33:31 UTC 2016
Thank you all for the suggestions. I've been working with my
instructor to come up with a good way of generating these K-maps on my
own. Currently, I understand the big picture of the layout, how it
facilitates the simplification of Boolean expressions, and have a good
mental picture of the structured arrangement of variables (the Gray
code concept confused me at first, but I understand it now; just
another way of counting without the need for dramatic change in
consecutive bit values). Unfortunately, given that generating K-maps
is part of the course objectives, my instructor is encouraging me to
fulfill that requirement in terms of my accommodations. However, the
only issue is in finding a working and consistent solution that I can
employ for exams in particular. I'll get a reader for such material,
but I'm 100 percent responsible for knowing the material and dictating
my desired sketched output somehow. That, or sketch independently. I
prefer the latter. Further recommendations are definitely welcome and
Thanks again.
On 9/29/16, Doug Lee via nfbcs <nfbcs at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> In case it's germane...
> My favorite way of doing graphs, diagrams, etc., was to hand my reader a
> blank sheet of Braille paper and something
> very sharp, like a safety pin, and instruct the reader to place the page on
> a hard surface, like a desk, and draw
> by scratching the page with the sharp object. A sufficiently sharp point
> will draw a raised line on the surface
> (not the reverse side) of the paper. The result is quite tactily useful. I
> would then roll the page into a
> Brailler and ask the reader to tell me where to put labels. The result of
> this was a book of drawings with Braille
> captions and labels that survives to this day, nearly 25 years later, still
> usable.
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 05:35:53PM +0000, NFBCS mailing list wrote:
> The PIAF machine (pictures in a flash) does tactile graphics. If your
> institution has a PIAF they could perhaps make you tactile squares of all
> the symbols you need and put adhesive magnetic material on the back. I
> prepared this for one of our students, and I am blind.
> I made a table in Word with all the symbols and used 72 point so each was an
> inch tall. This was for algebra though, not for circuit analysis which would
> use skematics.
> Then I printed that grid on PIAF paper and ran it through the PIAF machine.
> Now I had tactile grids with symbols. Next I had a student worker, who was
> sighted carefully cut the squares.
> We used the adhesive magnets you can get from craft stores for fridge
> magnets. One was glued on the back of each square. It actually turned out
> looking quite neat. You can get stronger adhesive magnets in electronics
> stores; they are used to hold small tools to tables or shelves.
> The student worked with the symbols on the side of a large metal filing
> cabinet. It was sort of a tactile whiteboard.
> --Debee
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbcs [mailto:nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Tracy Carcione
> via nfbcs
> Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2016 10:25 AM
> To: 'NFB in Computer Science Mailing List'
> Cc: Tracy Carcione
> Subject: Re: [nfbcs] K-Maps
> If it's a grid, could a person use braille graph paper, if it's still
> available? It's a sheet of paper with a grid of raised-line boxes, with
> space for 1 character in each box.
> I think Excel would do the job, but, personally, I find it very hard to get
> a complete picture when I'm looking at one box at a time. I need hardcopy,
> if I want a real sense of what the whole thing looks like.
> Tracy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbcs [mailto:nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Doug Lee via
> nfbcs
> Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2016 11:55 AM
> To: Edgar Lozano via nfbcs
> Cc: Doug Lee
> Subject: Re: [nfbcs] K-Maps
> I did this long ago (like 1989 or so) and just made Braille tables for
> them.
> Nowadays you could also use something like Excel I'm sure. You have the
> correct idea: They are matrices of values - as I recall, 0's, 1's, and
> deltas for "don't care." In Braille I just used 0, 1, and d, respectively;
> the same would work for you in Excel though I'm sure you could use an actual
> Delta if communicating with sighted teachers or students.
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 10:32:22AM -0500, NFBCS mailing list wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> This is my first time posting to this list. I'm a totally blind student
> enrolled in a computer science university course essentially titled Digital
> Logic. Much of we are covering is related to circuits and electronic
> components. I understand everything. However, my instructor is informing me
> that we'll need to make extensive use of K-maps, a visual technique designed
> to aid in the simplifying of Boolean algebra equations. Has anybody on this
> list taken a course like this? I must admit, this is the first time in my
> university years that I have a feeling that this will slow me down. I'm
> thinking about purchasing a Draftsman board from APH. Maybe this will assist
> me in getting the big picture of how a k-map is laid out. I know these
> drawings are essentially matrices with bits arranged in column-row fashion
> in boxes. Anyway, if someone has gone through a similar course like this, I
> would appreciate any tips you have to facilitate the understanding of k-maps
> and how I may be able to produce them.
> Thank you.
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> --
> Doug Lee dgl at dlee.org
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.dlee.org&d=CwICAg&c=xoYdONxMEGxjdvKj5bOdEOV28uakaJ20R4TjadGGZBc&r=gcvya4Pqy0A2EsMRyTgo_3n3PIn53GqWAnSNzbIFuBs&m=-heCWq8iTdOsjrzf1xEXiat6bzAK4-mxpo-uViEXeiI&s=0G9UdyULd-mysHx6RI-dXAjA_G3lIP3o7V666XRspjA&e=
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> --
> Doug Lee dgl at dlee.org http://www.dlee.org
> SSB BART Group doug.lee at ssbbartgroup.com
> http://www.ssbbartgroup.com
> What is most worth paying for, you buy with the life you live.
> (11/10/07)
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