[nfbcs] FW: [program-l] Quorum 5 Released

Rasmussen, Lloyd lras at loc.gov
Fri Jun 2 12:51:58 UTC 2017

Lloyd Rasmussen, Senior Staff Engineer
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20542   202-707-0535
The preceding opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Library of Congress, NLS.

From: program-l-bounce at freelists.org [mailto:program-l-bounce at freelists.org] On Behalf Of Andreas Stefik
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2017 6:30 PM
To: program-l at freelists.org
Subject: [program-l] Quorum 5 Released


We are pleased to announce that the newest version of the Quorum Programming Language, version 5.0, is now live. This release includes major enhancements, including digital signal processing libraries, automatic physics simulation for 2D and 3D games, and a new compile-to-JavaScript mode, which allows Quorum to run multimedia applications online.

Along with technical improvements to the language, Quorum 5 marks significant changes to the curriculum and materials for learners. This includes a redesigned website created through many iterative design revisions with teachers and students. We also spent considerable time with analytics data looking at how people are using the site, in order to make it easier for people to find what they want. Lessons and tutorials have been reorganized from the ground up because of this work. Finally, many lessons can be run directly on the website, including multimedia applications. This uses Quorum's new JavaScript mode behind the scenes and should make it easier for learners, teachers, and everyone else to try Quorum out.

For more information on the new release, please visit
The Quorum Website<http://quorumlanguage.com/>.

The Quorum team

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