[nfbcs] Research: Please Help
William Grussenmeyer
wdg31415 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 05:37:20 UTC 2017
you might get some more responses from the following email list:
"program-l" <program-l at freelists.org>,
On 3/6/17, Michael via nfbcs <nfbcs at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> My name is Michael Ausbun, and I am currently a student at the Louisiana
> Center for the Blind. When I was a high school student in rural Nevada, I
> once aspired to be a computer scientist. Like many blind people, I was told
> that "Blind people do not do such things;" not knowing any other blind
> people at the time, I chose to undertake a different path entirely.
> I am attempting to conduct research, to write a
> comprehensive guide for prospective blind computer science majors. I sent
> these questions out to the list once, but received very few responses. I
> was
> told that I should allow for an anonymous method for folks to respond.
> Please find that
> <https://docs.google.com/a/nevada.unr.edu/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfRPv-SDhQOdP2oKp
> CcbQEcJYoTBJbUGhHiRxn2BiPRyW80DA/viewform?c=0&w=1> here.
> Thank you for your time, attention, and efforts. I think
> that this could, depending on the results, improve the experience for blind
> students. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach me at
> mausbun at nevada.unr.edu <mailto:mausbun at nevada.unr.edu> . Also feel free to
> send this to other folks you think might be willing to fill this survey
> out.
> Respectfully,
> Michael Ausbun
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William Grussenmeyer
PhD Student, Computer Science
University of Nevada, Reno
NSF Fellow
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