[nfbcs] Help with C++ Assignment
Lanie Molinar
laniemolinar91 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 24 07:31:29 UTC 2017
Hi, everyone. I'm taking an online college course that's an introduction
to software development and need a little help with an assignment. Some
of you might remember me asking for help in the spring semester. I tried
to take this class then but got too far behind because I tried to take
two classes,which was too much with my health problems. I'm retaking it
now and things are going a lot better, but I'm completely stuck on an
assignment and having difficulty finding an available tutor, so I was
wondering if anyone could help. For the assignment, I'm supposed to
write the pseudocode for a calendar program that will show a calendar
after the user inputs a year and month. I've got most of it figured out,
but I have no idea how to display the table. I had to compute the offset
to determine which day of the week the month starts on, and now I need
to use that number to create the table with the month starting at the
right place in the table, but I have no clue how to do that. I believe I
should use a loop though. I'm also supposed to make sure there's a new
line at the end of each week, but again, I have no clue how. I'm
attaching the assignment instructions and my work so far. If anyone can
give me a hint, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
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PROMPT for month
RETURN month
PROMPT for year
IF ()(year MOD 4 = 0) and (year MOD 400 NOT = 0()
RETURN false
IF isLeapYear(year))
numDaysInMonth(year, month)
IF (month = 1 OR month = 3 OR month = 5 OR month = 7 OR month = 8 OR
month = 10 OR month = 12)
ELSE IF (month = 2)
RETURN 28 + isLeapYear(year)
ELSE IF (month = 4 OR month = 6 OR month = 9 OR month = 11)
computeOffset(year, month)
FOR (startMonth = 1 to startMonth < month, increment startMonth)
SET numDays += numDaysInMonth(startMonth)
FOR (startYear = 1753 to startYear < year)
SET numDays += numDaysInYear(startYear)
SET offset = numDays MOD 7
RETURN offset
displayTable(offset, numDaysInMonth)
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