[NFBCS] Linux users

Mike Gorse mike at straddlethebox.org
Mon Aug 5 15:05:54 UTC 2019

Hi Bryan,

I wonder if you're thinking of running espeak via the command line. 
Speakup is a kernel-based screen reader for the console. You'll need orca 
for anything graphical (firefox for instance, or LibreOffice if you use 
that, although you can also use LaTeX or markdown to write documents). 
Orca can also read the terminal, but you might choose to switch to a 
console and use a screen reader such as speakup or fenrir if you're going 
to be doing most of your work from the command line. I personally still 
use yasr, with eflite as the speech server, but both of these have bugs 
and issues that I haven't taken the time to fix, so getting them set up on 
linux isn't that straight-forward. Fenrir is newer/more modern and 
probably better designed, although I haven't tried it.

On Mon, 5 Aug 2019, Bryan Duarte via NFBCS wrote:

> Hey Ryan,
> I have had very little luck with Vinux. It was great when they first created it but mostly just because of the talking installer. I like to install my own programs any ways so it was never an issue getting Orca or any subsequent programs or tools after installed. I think I really need to look in to speak up it sounds like. I am pretty sure it only runs in the terminal is that correct? Also is speakup something that is actually running or is it more of a wrapper for your commands? I read something on speak up a while back on the Rasp PI site but I thought it said speak up was something that you had to specify with every command you executed. Did I misunderstand that? Any feedback on this would be awesome.

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