[NFBCS] Linux users
Jack Heim
john at johnheim.com
Mon Aug 5 15:44:45 UTC 2019
Wow, I totally disagree about not using orca for heavy terminal work.
That is what I do 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. I think orca is great in
a GUI terminal. I don't know what you are comparing it to but I think it
is great.
On 8/4/19 6:40 PM, Mike Gorse via NFBCS wrote:
> I realize that "works for me" might not be helpful, but your post is a
> bit vague, so I'm trying to confirm that you're doing what I'd expect.
> Anyway, if I do the following, with orca running:
> 1) Press alt-f2 to open the run dialogue.
> 2) type gnome-terminal, and press enter.
> 3) enter a command from the newly-opened terminal.
> 4) press the key used to read previous lines in flat review (kp-7 for
> the desktop layout, caps-lock+u for the laptop layout)
> then I am able to read the output of the last command. (Still, I
> wouldn't personally use orca for heavy terminal work, but it should
> suffice for some things at least.)
> You can tell orca to write debugging output to a file by creating
> $HOME/.local/share/orca/orca-customizations.py. I have the following there:
> import orca.debug
> orca.debug.debugLevel = orca.debug.LEVEL_ALL
> orca.debug.debugFile = open("/home/mgorse/debug.out", "w")
> If orca is, say, saying "blank" instead of reading the output of your
> command, then the debug log might give you some idea of what is going
> wrong. Anyhow, I think that orca-list is a better place for such
> discussion.
> On Sun, 4 Aug 2019, Bryan Duarte via NFBCS wrote:
>> Thanks for your response. I guess I should have been a bit more
>> specific. I use A Mac with voiceover and I live in the Unix command
>> line. I have no issue using Linux command line I have an issue using
>> the Linux desktop. I have never had any luck with Linux with Orca in
>> the Desktop environment. I bought a HP laptop about a yer ago
>> specifically to install Linux on it. I did and found that commands did
>> not work and I grew frustrated. I wanted to use the command line which
>> I was able to do but then commands to review the stdout did not work,.
>> If you have any further feedback on what version of Linux you are
>> running, maybe the specs of your computer, Orca config, etc I would
>> appreciate it.
>> Bryan Duarte
>> PhD Computer Science Research student
>> IGERT Fellow, CUbiC Lab, Arizona State University
>>> On Aug 4, 2019, at 9:45 AM, Jack Heim <john at johnheim.com> wrote:
>>> I have been using linux and orca so long I cannot really tell you how
>>> it compares to jaws or nvda. I manage the research computing cluster
>>> for the Math Department at the University Of Wisconsin. I think in
>>> 2019 it is fair to say that all computational research is done on
>>> linux machines. I haven't checked for years but the last couple of
>>> times I checked, all 500 of the top 500 supercomputers were running
>>> linux. You have big problems if you are using a Windows desktop and a
>>> linux server. It is way easier just to switch to linux on your
>>> desktop. So I haven't used Windows for 20 years.
>>> I have a Mac laptop so I can kind of compare orca and voiceOver. I am
>>> no Mac expert. But I would say orca and voiceOver are approximately
>>> equally good.
>>>> On 8/4/19 11:11 AM, Bryan Duarte via NFBCS wrote:
>>>> Hey ya'll,
>>>> I am sure to some this is a ridiculous question but I need to ask
>>>> any way. I have been using Linux for years but mostly through an SSH
>>>> connection to a server instance on either AWS or a PI or designated
>>>> server in my lab. My question is does any one have any feedback on
>>>> using it stand alone with Orca or some other screen reader? If so
>>>> plese share your experiences.
>>>> Bryan Duarte
>>>> PhD Computer Science Research student
>>>> IGERT Fellow, CUbiC Lab, Arizona State University
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