[nfbcs] GuitarPro Scripts or IOS Accessibility
Andy Borka
sonfire11 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 14:50:26 UTC 2019
JAWS can use scripts made for the web or desktop environments. However,
the script has to access the dom/accessibility tree in the case of web
content, and the UIA/MSAA information for desktop apps. The main type of
information you are looking for is accessible description, object name,
object type (window, multiline edit, checkbox... etc...), window class,
parent/child, and so on. Some desktop software is better than others,
and sometimes the person scripting the software must make reasonable
decisions on how to proceed with a control type or class type after he
or she has figured out what the control or window does. In other cases,
such as the old Microsoft Accounting 2007/2008 package, control names
were a 16 digit number instead of a name. To add to the problem,
Microsoft never put accessible descriptions in their controls. Thus, it
was nearly impossible to tell what a control named 32-86-BAFCD-512CF
did. In these cases, it might not be worth the trouble of fixing or
On 2/17/19 8:31 AM, RicksPlace via nfbcs wrote:
> Hi: Can jaws script against controls on a desktop screen or only where controls are expose by accessibility hooks like UIA or MSAA?
> Here is the response from the large French firm providing music globally:
> Arobas Music (Guitar Pro)
> Feb 13, 12:02 CET
> Hello,
> Thank you for contacting the Arobas Music support.
> It is true that at the moment Guitar Pro is not optimized with accessibility features for person who are blind or visually impaired.
> I regret we won't have a proper workaround to suggest for your situation, however I send your feedback to our development team for future improvements.
> Thanks for the interest you have in our products, have a nice day!
> The above is typical of other companies and websites I have contacted.
> The technology is there to autogenerate music xml but either vendors need to click a button or they just don’t know, and don’t care, about music xml.
> No wonder blind folks are getting fed up and looking for lawyers.
> I still think a programming work-around is possible so long as vendors use current technologies and abide by current accessibility standards.
> See you all on the flip side:
> Rick USA
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
> From: Kevin via nfbcs
> Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2019 11:27 AM
> To: nfbcs at nfbnet.org
> Cc: Kevin
> Subject: Re: [nfbcs] GuitarPro Scripts or IOS Accessibility
> The great thing about markup languages is that there isn't that much of
> a learning curve. Anything xml based can be edited by hand if you can
> get into the program files.
> On 2/16/2019 8:20 AM, RicksPlace via nfbcs wrote:
>> Hi: GuitarPro is widely used and generates mxml among other formats. The GuitarPro software is not accessible as far as I can tell. I e-mailed the company and they said it is not accessible and they have no current plans to make it accessible – they are in France. Do you know of any scripting or anything else that accesses the mxml or other files produced by this software? If the xml or other files could be accessed perhaps a nice computer program could be dev eloped to access the thousands and thousands of guitar tabs for music by blind folks.
>> Sorry if this is a little messy but NVDA doesn’t seem to be playing totally nice with the windows mail app and message generation:
>> Rick USA
>> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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