[NFBCS] Command Line Editors
Nicole Torcolini
ntorcolini at wavecable.com
Thu Jan 2 00:48:29 UTC 2020
Yes, that is what I meant.
Also, if you are working in an SSH window and editing in Emacs, I am pretty sure that copy/cut only apply to the clipboard of the Linux box--it does not get added to the Windows or Mac clipboard.
On a related note, I forgot to mention earlier that, if you SSH the same machine from Windows every time using the MS command prompt, which does not store the commands that you used last session, there is software that you can install, called Klang, that will make this possible.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Heim [mailto:john at johnheim.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2020 4:32 PM
To: Nicole Torcolini; 'NFB in Computer Science Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [NFBCS] Command Line Editors
So I think you mean that standard shortcut keys, like Control+c to copy
text, do not work in emacs. Yes, emacs has its own set of shortcut keys
the user must learn to be proficient. In addition to the rather steep
learning curve, emacs is not going to work as well with a screen reader
as a GUI text editor because the screen reader has to operate within the
terminal emulator.
Using sshfs is very similar to using ssh itself. You need a host name,
user name, and password to connect.
On 1/1/20 5:49 PM, Nicole Torcolini wrote:
> Hahaha.
> Regarding Emacs, if you are used to the commands used for copy, cut,
> paste, etc. on Windows and Mac, they are very different in Emacs.
> I use SSHFS at work to access files on my Linux box on my Windows
> laptop. It mounts it as a drive. You have to have the exact name of the
> computer that you are mounting, including it's location.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NFBCS [mailto:nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Jack Heim via
> Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2020 3:23 PM
> To: NFB in Computer Science Mailing List
> Cc: Jack Heim
> Subject: Re: [NFBCS] Command Line Editors
> Oh man, I could write a whole book here. There are 3 basic approaches
> you could use:
> 1. Ssh to the linux server and use a text editor on the linux machine.
> Examples of this would be emacs and vi.
> 2. Use a text editor on the Windows or Macintosh and somehow copy and/or
> save the file on the linux server.
> 3. Get a linux desktop, edit the files on the linux machine and use
> sshfs to save the files.
> If you intend to be a linux systems administrator some day, I highly
> recommend option 3. If you have only a couple of weeks before the
> semester starts, it might not be practical. But get yourself some old
> computer somebody is willing to give you to avoid having to pay the
> recycling fee. Linux will run on anything. I recommend starting with
> debian linux. If you need help with that, let me know. I work for the
> University Of Wisconsin and helping a blind student would be well within
> my job description, even if you are at a different school.
> Option 2 is going to be the next most desirable. To use Windows, you
> will need a text editor that can save a file with linux line
> terminators. I also recommend you acquire an sshfs client. When I used
> Windows, I used a commercial product called ExpanDrive. But I have heard
> /SSHFS/-Win works well. An sshfs client allows you to map a network
> drive on any machine running ssh. So you won't have to fiddle around
> with copying files back and forth. If you use a Mac, you may be able to
> do your development on the Mac and copy the code to the linux machine
> only after you know it already works. It depends on exactly what you are
> writing.
> I really do not think option 1 is realistic for a beginner. I know there
> exist blind system administrators who use vi or emacs via ssh but I
> don't think that is a productive approach even for an experienced
> programmer.
> Hey, if you want to talk to me, let me know. I can give you my office
> phone number or we can skype or facetime.
> On 1/1/20 2:45 PM, Haoran Wen via NFBCS wrote:
>> Sorry for not being specific on my original email.
>> I have a mac and windows pc and will SSH into the linux machines remotely.
>> So I can use voiceover with the terminal applicaiton on macs and am
>> planning on using windows subsytem for linus on my PC.
>> I have not used NVDA before but will try it out to see if that works
> better
>> than JAWS.
>> Thanks everyone for your help.
>> Haoran
>> On Wed, Jan 1, 2020 at 2:25 PM Nicole Torcolini via NFBCS
> <nfbcs at nfbnet.org>
>> wrote:
>>> What screen reader? Any chance that you could mount the remote file
> system
>>> to Windows and use a Windows program?
>>> From my experience, JAWS does not work well with commandline. It
>>> often reads the wrong character/line, and most of the JAWS navigation
>>> commands, especially navigate by word, do not work--you end up writing
> some
>>> weird character. I have also found that I have to use a Braille display
> to
>>> really know what I am doing.
>>> I do not know if NVDA works any better.
>>> Oh, and make sure that you use headphones when typing passwords
> as
>>> JAWS speaks passwords characters in the commandline, even though they are
>>> not shown on the screen.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: NFBCS [mailto:nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Jack Heim via
>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2020 9:32 AM
>>> To: NFB in Computer Science Mailing List
>>> Cc: Jack Heim
>>> Subject: Re: [NFBCS] Command Line Editors
>>> Systems programming for which system? I am going to guess linux. If so,
>>> I do all my systems programming in gedit.
>>> On 12/31/19 9:21 PM, Haoran Wen via NFBCS wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I will be taking a system programming course next semester and will be
>>>> working in the command line a lot. So I am wondering are there any
>>>> recommendations for command line editors that works well with screen
>>>> readers?
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Haoran
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