[NFBCS] python class?
Chris Nestrud
ccn at chrisnestrud.com
Sat Jan 16 15:58:56 UTC 2021
Check here:
On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 11:42:59PM -0600, Bryan Schulz via NFBCS wrote:
> Hi,
> I went through this several times and didn't find any link to download
> python 3.9.
> Was the meeting recorded? Was the first meeting getting everyone installed?
> Bryan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NFBCS <nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Rayn Darren via NFBCS
> Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2021 7:54 PM
> To: 'NFB in Computer Science Mailing List' <nfbcs at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: Rayn Darren <rayndarren at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [NFBCS] python class?
> Hello all,
> I apologize for the delay. I am going to include a few things for you all in
> this email so please read it to the end and save this for reference.
> 1. The Zoom link
> Bryan Duarte is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
> Topic: Python Workshop
> Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
> https://asu.zoom.us/j/83593838321?pwd=Z1lXTGlQNmdrcXE0ZzhkYnltSktFZz09
> Password: helloworld
> Or Telephone:
> Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
> US: +1 602 753 0140 or +1 213 338 8477 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1
> 346 248 7799 or +1 669 219 2599 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 720 928 9299 or
> +1 971 247 1195 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 470 250
> +9358
> or +1 470 381 2552 or +1 646 518 9805 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 651 372
> 8299 or +1 786 635 1003 or +1 267 831 0333
> Meeting ID: 835 9383 8321
> International numbers available: https://asu.zoom.us/u/kdoZYDRofP
> Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16027530140,,83593838321# or
> +12133388477,,83593838321#
> 2. Installations
> Here is a getting started guide for you to reference for installing the
> Python interpreter as well as the preferred code editor. Please use another
> editor if you have one and are comfortable with it. I ask that you all have
> Python installed and a code editor of your choice prior to the meeting. I
> believe Sarah said she would be willing to help if there were troubles with
> the installations.
> Python Introduction and Setup
> Welcome to the Python workshop. This document is to help you get your
> computer set up and ready to begin learning and programming in the Python
> language. In the document you will find links to websites where you will be
> able to download Python 3.9.1 which is the latest stable release. In
> addition you will find links to two text editors we recommend for developing
> Python. If you are using a Windows computer please navigate down to the
> heading titled Windows OS. If you are using a Mac your information will be
> found under the heading titled Mac osX. Please take time to get Python
> installed, make sure you have a text editor installed, and use the
> interactive shell to write your first Python program "Hello World". If you
> have any issues getting this installed please post your issue to the mailing
> list.
> Mac osX:
> . Download and install Python 3.9
> 1. Visit the above link and navigate down to the downloadable for Mac
> osX titled Python 3.9.
> 2. Find the location on your computer where the download was saved and
> open the installer.
> 3. Follow the install prompts while keeping all install paths and
> settings set to the default location.
> 4. To make sure the Python installer was successful lets try out the
> Python interpreter.
> Hello World: My first Python program:
> Ok now that we have Python installed lets write our first program using
> Python. To do this we will want to open our Terminal. The terminal is a text
> based shell where you interact with your computer through the command line.
> 1. Either open your Applications folder and navigate to the Terminal
> application or use the Spot Light to find the Terminal. Once the Terminal
> opens you will be placed in a new shell with a blank command prompt. This is
> where we will be writing our Python script.
> 2. To launch the Python interpreter simply type python3 in the blank
> command prompt and press Enter.
> 3. Your text console should display Python 3.9.1 and at the bottom
> display 3 greater than symbols, >>>.
> 4. At this point you are now in the Python interpreter which allows you
> to write and execute Python directly. Lets give it a try by writing a few
> small programs to test it out.
> In the command prompt type the following lines of code without the >>>, this
> is to show you what is input and the < symbol is to show you what should be
> displayed as output.
> >>> print("Hello World")
> <Hello World
> If your code was executed correctly you should see Hello World displayed on
> your console window. There you have it, Python is installed and you have
> written your first Python program. From here we will be introducing you to
> more of the Python programming language while having some fun. Thanks
> Text Editor for Mac osX:
> Download and install Visual Studio Code
> 1. Follow the installer prompts to install Visual Studio Code leaving
> all paths and settings set to the default setting.
> 2. Copy the VS Code.app to your Applications folder.
> 3. Open the VS Code application and give it a try.
> Windows OS:
> Download Python 3.9 for Windows
> 1. Visit the above link and navigate to the Python 3.9 for your operating
> system. If you are unsure if you have a 32bit or 64bit system, select the
> 32bit option.
> 2. Find the location on your computer where the download was saved and open
> the installer.
> 3. This step is very important!! When it asks you to select the type of
> install you wish to preform select the "custom install". On a Windows
> machine you must check the box that says you want to add Python to the PATH
> and environment variables. If you do not check this box you will be unable
> to use the command line to execute Python code.
> 4. Beyond the check box for adding Python to your PATH you can keep all
> installation settings default.
> To make sure the Python installer was successful lets try out the Python
> interpreter.
> Hello World: My first Python Program:
> Now that we have Python installed lets write our first program using Python.
> To do this we will want to open our command prompt. The command prompt is a
> text based shell where you interact with your computer through the command
> line.
> Press windows plus "r" to open the run dialog, and type "cmd" and press
> enter. You will be placed in a new shell with a blank command prompt. This
> is where we will be writing our Python script.
> To launch the Python interpreter simply type python in the blank command
> prompt and press Enter.
> Your text console should display Python 3.9.1 and at the bottom display 3
> greater than symbols, >>>.
> At this point you are now in the Python interpreter which allows you to
> write and execute Python directly. Lets give it a try by writing a small
> program to test it out.
> In the command prompt type the following lines of code without the >>>, this
> is to show you what is input and the < symbol is to show you what should be
> displayed as output.
> >>> print("Hello World")
> <Hello World
> If your code was executed correctly you should see Hello World displayed on
> your console window. There you have it, Python is installed and you have
> written your first Python program. From here we will be introducing you to
> more of the Python programming language while having some fun. Thanks
> Text Editor for Windows:
> The command line is fine when you want to test out small bits of code, but
> to write a more complex program you will need a text editor.
> You can download the insiders build of Visual Studio Code from:
> https://code.visualstudio.com/insiders/
> If you are not sure whether you have a 34bit or 64bit system, select the
> 32bit option.
> Find the location on your computer where the download was saved and open the
> installer.
> Follow the install prompts while keeping all install paths and settings set
> to the default location.
> Bryan Duarte Ph.D.
> Software Engineer
> Google Scholar Profile
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NFBCS <nfbcs-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of D. Curtis Willoughby via
> Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2021 5:32 PM
> To: sarah.hale at siteweaver.org
> Cc: D. Curtis Willoughby <ka0vba at dimcom.net>; nfbcs at nfbnet.org
> Subject: [NFBCS] python class?
> It is about half an hour until this first python meeting, and I have
> apparently not received an announcement about a Zoom ID number, etc. Are we
> really meeting?
> D. Curtis Willoughby ka0vba at dimcom.net.
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