[NFBCS] Technically sound podcast feed and next episode

Littlefield, Tyler tyler at tysdomain.com
Wed Oct 20 23:13:55 UTC 2021

Hello all,

Per popular request, we finally have a podcast feed and we're pushing 
things out to platforms. This is moving as slow as the companies behind 
each platform, so check back often. I'll stop announcing episodes and 
everything here, but I wanted to update with the feed and take the 
opportunity to tell you about tomorrow's topic.

The feed:


We will announce all future episodes and relevant information on our 


If there are other platforms or preferred mediums for announcing or you 
have ideas/tips on how we might best reach our listeners, I'm all ears, 
please feel free to shoot a message to us on twitter, reply to me 
privately (tyler at tysdomain.com), or email us: technicallysound at venom.fm

Want to chat with us off or on the livestream? Join us on Discord: 

Tomorrow's topic will be deployment of a server to fit your project. We 
will discuss the difference between dedicated servers and VPS, as well 
as other application hosting options, serverless, shared hosting, etc. 
We will also discuss security; deployment of a firewall, jails and 
docker, and how we approach securing our systems. Per request, I will 
also be taking a quick dive into the code of https://cvstats.net and 
explaining how it works and how I created it.

Subscribe to our feed at https://anchor.fm/technically-sound

and please send us any questions, comments and/or ideas on any of the 
methods mentioned above.

Tune in and join us Live tomorrow on Venom via the web player at 
https://venom.fm, or point your favorite media player to 

Thanks, and we look forward to you joining us tomorrow, from 5:00 to 
7:00 PM EST on Venom, or catching up with us through your favorite 
podcast app!

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