[NFBCS] does anyone know what is wrong with my phone?

Sabra Ewing sabra1023 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 00:00:55 UTC 2022

latest iOS, iPhone 11.

The screen is not working correctly with voiceover. when I flick left and right, it sometimes does it and sometimes it goes up and down. If I'm in a place with a keyboard, it might type the letters when I'm trying to do a gesture. For example, it types letters when I'm trying to control the router.

I have used the iPhone for a long time and it is not my gestures. I forgot the name of the setting, and I can't look it up right now because of my nonworking screen, but I have the setting on where you slide to the correct letter and lift your finger to type it, but it is not doing that. It keeps typing every letter as I slide my finger over it.

Is there anything I can do? If this is a bug, they can't take years to fix this. Calling Apple Accessibility is not going to work because they keep you on there for hours and treat you like a paid user tester when you are not. they do everything possible to not report something as a bug.

I'm hoping it's not a bug and some sort of setting or something will fix it. And then I really need to get Samantha off of here, but I can't find a way to delete her. I have Alex, but sometimes she speaks  randomly. I want this smart punctuation with dictation turned off. I will dictate my punctuation marks where they need to go.

I can't even type in my pass code because of this typing thing. I can't read anything either. When I double tap to dictate it sometimes does, sometimes tries to play music or audio, and sometimes does both. Except it is not working at times either so it says speech on or speech off, or whatever, and then it activates help at times as well, which is supposed to be with four fingers.

I'm really sick of this. Each new iOS keeps getting worse and worse and worse. They don't seem to care that much about keeping accessibility up-to-date either.

Sabra Ewing

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