[NFBCS] Which language should I use? Opinions please!

Rayn Darren rayndarren at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 23:28:22 UTC 2022

Good afternoon all,


Several years ago I ran a text based role playing game written in PHP5. I
want very much to restart that game and rewrite it from the ground up. My
question is, which language should I use? PHP7 with  SQL for databases and
with HTML/CSS for styling of course? Python? Java? jQuery? Something else


Please note this IS NOT  a MUD, not in the traditional sense anyhow. For
those familiar it was originally written on forked PHP5; the Legend of the
Green Dragon codebase. 


I have a whole folder of written out ideas, storylines, quests, crafting,
races, focuses etc. none of it is coded though. several of these projects
have been started and are in various levels of completion, but I don't want
to have to depend on someone else to update code/fix bugs and would love to
completely customize things for myself. 


Thanks for any suggestions in advance!


Thank you,

Sarah Hale

Work: 714.852.3238

Email:  <mailto:sarah.hale at siteweaver.org> sarah.hale at siteweaver.org



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