[NFBCS] Problem With Firefox 102.0 for JAWS Users

Curtis Chong chong.curtis at gmail.com
Sat Jul 2 16:39:52 UTC 2022



The recent update to Mozilla Firefox has created a small problem for users
of the JAWS screen reader. This problem has to do with the inability to read
the context menu with JAWS when you activate it with Shift+F10, the
Applications Key, or a right mouse click. The work-around is to open the
context menu in the usual way, then turn off the JAWS virtual cursor (JAWS
KEY+Z). Now, you can use the up or down arrow keys to read the menu and
activate whatever choice you need.


This is just for your information. If you do not use Firefox or if you are
already using NVDA, you will not experience this issue.


Best regards,


Curtis Chong


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