[NFBCS] New Mouse with Braille Cell

dan.tevelde at comcast.net dan.tevelde at comcast.net
Thu May 19 17:51:11 UTC 2022

Hi all,


Check out this link


and let me know what you think. I think this is a solution in search of a
problem. As much as I would like to see a mouse with haptic feedback, nobody
has gotten something like this to work well enough where it would be
practical. I spoke with the people from Bonocle last year at CSUN. I pointed
out that I had tested similar products and that those products didn't have
enough use cases to stay on the market. I pointed out that they would need
to include use cases where a Windows user could use the mouse to do things
other than play games. In addition, who would want to learn Braille using a
device with just one Braille cell? I told them that their device would fail
unless they broadened its appeal. They didn't listen just like the other
company I dealt with didn't listen. The other company I dealt with went by
two names. First, they were Virtouch and then Tactile World. Both were based
in Israel and the people were completely clueless about marketing and
software development.


I joined the Bonocle mailing list and just got an e-mail saying they were
launching their product in June. They claim to have incorporated in
Delaware, but I don't see an address or phone number on their website. The
whole thing sounds like a scam. What do you think?




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