[NFBCS] generating discussion: what accessibility barriers would you like to see documented?

Littlefield, Tyler tyler at tysdomain.com
Sun Sep 4 15:48:35 UTC 2022

Hello all,

If you've not read any of the current thread about creating a wiki or a 
platform to share content, I'll give you a TL/DR; a few of us have 
committed (as we're able) to creating a platform to document 
accessibility issues. I am pulling together a site and a resource over 
the next week or so to get this going. My question to you (and anyone 
you want to circulate this to) is as follows:

What accessibility barriers have you encountered as a student or as a 
professional that had solutions that could be documented?

Further to this point, what would you yourself be willing to document?

If you don't have time or resources to assist with the second point, 
please still respond. It would be very easy to take your tips and ideas 
and still generate documentation around the issue. The goal here is to 
generate discussion and ideas around what could be placed here, and how 
helpful it could be.

I'll lead the race, just to get us all started:

* Editor accessibility with JAWS and NVDA

* Using AWS through AWSCli as well as other services (linode, etc). This 
is more important for AWS because that website would make anyone sad.

* Usable frontend design tools (document Bootstrap here).

* Accessible SSH clients and workflows for using them.

* Maybe a section like applevis where services (Jenkins, Github, etc) 
can just be noted as being accessible with notes either way? Sometimes I 
just want to know if something is accessible or will be, without 
installing it or using it first.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this!


Ty Littlefield

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