[NFBCS] Image in email

Brian Buhrow buhrow at nfbcal.org
Thu Jan 12 19:26:14 UTC 2023

	hello.  I'm not sure if this is helpful, but I think I understand the technical issue
related to why you're not geting OcR data from embedded images in e-mail messages.  Regardless
of how the message is rendered on the screen, images in e-mail messages are always sent as
attachments in the e-mail itself.  This means the mail program, in this case Outlook, has to
decide whether to treat the attachment as an embedded image or a separate attachment.  It does
this by looking at the HTML attachment, yes, HTML is considered an attachment in e-mail as
well, and if there is a link to an image in the HTML, the image attachment is rendered as an
in-line image and not shown as an attachment.  Depending on where Jaws hooks into the data
stream for e-mail messages, the "in-line image" could be considered a completely separate
window rendered as a pop-up on the e-mail message itself.  If the e-mail message is considered
the base window, and the OCR process only works on the base window, that would explain why the
image is overlooked.  My guess is that NVDA is viewing the e-mail messages at a different layer
than Jaws does, which explains why NVDA detects the images when Jaws does not.  In any case,
Jaws should detect and alert users to the presence of these images and provide the full range
of access tools for such images without having to save the message as either PDF or HTML or to
reply it in order to detect the image.

HOpefully Curtis' trouble ticket will get some traction and they'll have a fix soon!


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