[NFBCS] Updated keyboard shortcuts and first-letters navigation now available on Google Drive

Curtis Chong chong.curtis at gmail.com
Wed May 1 21:29:30 UTC 2024

Greetings to all:


Starting today, May 1, 2024, first-letter navigation has been released by
Google for widespread use by the public. First-letter navigation is
something for which some of us in Colorado have been pushing for almost six
years now. We were repeatedly told by folks at Google that this was simply
not possible.


Well, Google has finally made this possible. Check out the announcement at


According to the announcement:


"Starting today, you can begin opting into the new shortcuts immediately
through a banner notification in Drive or by going to Drive > Settings >
Keyboard shortcuts > Update now. On August 1, 2024, Drive keyboard shortcuts
will be automatically updated to first-letters navigation for all users.
Once shortcuts are updated, you will also be able to see shortcuts where
applicable in menus and on hover in toolbars in Drive."


Anyone who has become accustomed to the traditional Google Drive keyboard
commands is advised that many commands have changed to make way for
first-letter navigation. Honestly, I do not know any other way Google could
have pulled this off.


Kudos to the folks in the Colorado Governor's Office of Information
Technology for continuing to press for this for more than six years despite
Google's claim that this simply could not be done.


Kind regards,


Curtis Chong


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