[NFBCS] Accessible Windows Partitioning Software

Brian Buhrow buhrow at nfbcal.org
Sun May 5 16:17:22 UTC 2024

	Hello Tom.  I was originally going to suggest booting linux, and using the partitioning
tool to resize the partitions on your disk.  However, I think you need to complete two steps in
order to accomplish this task.  The first is to adjust the gpt partition table on the disk to
allocate more of the disk to your recovery partition.  The second task is to then resize the
filesystem on that recovery partition to utilize the newly allocated space.  The first task is
easy to accomplish under linux using the gpart tool, among others. The second task is where it
gets tricky.  I don't know what filesystem format is used for the Windows recovery partition.
Is it a straight NTFS filesystem, a FAT or EXFAT filesystem, something else?  If it's a
standard FAT or NTFS filesystem, then I think that's easily done under linux.  If it's
something else, then more investigation is needed.  You can't be the first one to have run into
this problem.  What do other folks use to fix this issue?  And, if it's a standard Windows
tool, what part of that tool is inaccessible?

	Here's a link to a guide that gives instructions on how to increase the size of the
Windows partition using the command line.  I don't see anything inaccessible about this.

Hope it helps.


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